Scintillator HCal Prototype Vishnu V. Zutshi for the Tile-Cal Group
Tile-Cal Group Prague LAL DESY, Hamburg Univ. ITEP, JINR, LPI, MEPhI Imperial NIU 5/4/2019 V. Zutshi, Snowmass 2005
Prototype ~ 1m3 (38 layers) 2cm (1.6 + 0.2 +0.2) steel absorber 5mm thick scintillator with WLS fiber and SiPM on-board Aiming at technology and physics goals….. 5/4/2019 V. Zutshi, Snowmass 2005
Component schematic FEE Calibration electronics To DAQ Tiles+SiPMs 5/4/2019 V. Zutshi, Snowmass 2005
Prototype Geometry Studies 5/4/2019 V. Zutshi, Snowmass 2005
Scintillator tiles 12cm x 12cm 3x3 6x6 12 x 12 6cm x 6cm 3cm x 3cm Tile size 3x3 6x6 12 x 12 need 3500 4000 1000 molded milled 3000 800 6cm x 6cm 3cm x 3cm 5/4/2019 V. Zutshi, Snowmass 2005
SiPM ~1000 pixels on 1mm x 1mm Bias voltage ~ 50-60V Gain ~ 106 Quantum x geom ~ 12-15% 5/4/2019 V. Zutshi, Snowmass 2005
‘Minical’ test 0.5 cm active 2 cm steel Confidence in SiPM as a calorimetric device 5/4/2019 V. Zutshi, Snowmass 2005
SiPM QC Gain, dark rate, cross-talk, saturation monitored to select SiPM’s for use in HCal. 2500 in hand. Hope to have every tile instrumented by early 2006 5/4/2019 V. Zutshi, Snowmass 2005
Light yield SiPM HV set to Obtain 14-15pe/mip 5/4/2019 V. Zutshi, Snowmass 2005
Cassette Commissioning in the e- TB initiated 2 assembled, 4 in the works 5/4/2019 V. Zutshi, Snowmass 2005
Cabling 5/4/2019 V. Zutshi, Snowmass 2005
Base board Charge Injection Dimensions: 16 x 16 cm² 2 base boards (12 amplifier cards) / layer SiPM Interface, 18 chns. Charge Injection Test Outputs (SRIN, TCALIB) DAQ Interface Dimensions: 16 x 16 cm² HAB 5/4/2019 V. Zutshi, Snowmass 2005
Front-end ASIC ASIC 8-bit DAC 1-5V in 100nF 10pF Variable Gain Charge Preamplifier Variable Shaper CR-RC² 12kΩ 4kΩ 24pF 12pF 3pF in 8pF 4pF 2pF 1pF 40kΩ 8-bit DAC 1-5V ASIC 5kΩ 50Ω 100MΩ 2.4pF 1.2pF 0.6pF 0.3pF 0.1pF 0.2pF 0.4pF 0.8pF 6pF Test_pulse 5/4/2019 V. Zutshi, Snowmass 2005
Amplifier Board Parameter Shift-Reg Temperature Monitor ASIC ASIC’s all tested. Boards being assembled. Analog Line Driver 5/4/2019 V. Zutshi, Snowmass 2005
Data Acquisition Use modified version of the ECal (CERC) board. Similar no. of analog channels. 8x12 (16-bit) ADC’s 8Mb memory (2k events) 1 KHz peak rate 180ns trigger latency Have been used successfully In ECal test beam run Become available in Nov. 5/4/2019 V. Zutshi, Snowmass 2005
Calibration & Monitoring Observation of single pe for non-linearity correction. Need mip and variable Intensity LED calibration Gain 1.7% / K , 2.5% / 0.1V Signal Amplitude 4.5% / K , 7% / 0.1V 5/4/2019 V. Zutshi, Snowmass 2005
CAN (ADC, Enable Pulser, DAC) Monitoring CMB T CAN (ADC, Enable Pulser, DAC) Gadow Goettlicher, Reinecke HBAB_TOP HBAB_BOT Redundant monitoring: Reference LED pulse Direct gain monitoring temperature and voltage monitoring 5/4/2019 V. Zutshi, Snowmass 2005
Absorber stack and table Layer 1 Construction of moveable table in spring 2006 Will be used for all CALICE HCal options. 5/4/2019 V. Zutshi, Snowmass 2005
Summary Tail Catcher Electronic Racks HCAL ECAL Beam Preparing for test beam in summer-fall of 2006 5/4/2019 V. Zutshi, Snowmass 2005