“The Day Eddie Met the Author” Lesson 2 Day 3 “The Day Eddie Met the Author”
Question of the Day What have you learned that you can teach someone else? I Learned _____ because ______. I can teach someone else by _____. T156
Today’s Read Aloud “How to Dunk” What is the purpose for listening to a poem again? For fun or to listen for rhyming words.
Today’s Read Aloud “How to Dunk” First, you get some gravy, Then pour it in a bowl. When you’re sure it’s nice and warm, Find yourself a roll. Then, you dunk that piece of bread And you take a bite. If you dunk and eat this way, You’re doing it just right!
Root Words; Endings –ed, -ing hope hoped hoping *Remember the final E is dropped when an ending (-ed, -ing) is added. hop hopped hopping Hop has a CVC pattern. When ending –ed and –ing are added to CVC words, the final consonant is doubled. Knowing that the consonant is doubled tells readers that the vowel sound in hopped is short. Knowing that the e was dropped tells readers that the vowel sound in hoping is long.
Root Words; Endings –ed, -ing Shopped= Shop + ed Shopped is formed by adding –ed to the word shop. The double letters tell readers that the root word has a CVC patter and the vowel sound will be short. What about Letting? Letting= Let + ing
Root Words; Endings –ed, -ing Now I want you to do these words right now in your notebook. running hummed jogged thinning patting shedding trimmed chopped
Check your answers! running run + ing hummed hum + ed jogged jog + ed thinning thin + ing patting pat + ing shedding shed + ing trimmed trim + ed chopped chop +ed T158
Fluency Remember when good readers read aloud, they read exactly what is written on the page. As you read aloud you should read each word carefully, and notice the punctuation at the end of each sentence. Now, I am going to read part of “The Day Eddie Met the Author” Sometimes reading slower helps me be more accurate. I will pay attention to the end punctuation. This will help me understand what each sentence means. It will help me know when to use my voice for a question, a statement, or an exclamation. TURN TO PAGE 59 and echo-read each sentence.
Characters and Setting Characters: Remember you can learn about a character from what the character says or how the character acts and from how the illustrator shows him or her. Setting: Remember that the setting is the time and place in which the story occurs. Readers learn about the setting from what the writer and characters say about places and events, from what the illustration show, and from our own experience.
Characters and Setting Now we are going to look for clues that tell what Eddie is feeling. Let’s look on pages 58-59. What words let us know how Eddie is feeling? Look at these words “waiting, waiting, waiting”. This sounds like Eddie is excited about the author’s visit.
Characters and Setting Look on page 62! Look at these words “There was the real author!” This sentence is one of Eddie’s thoughts. The sentence ends in an exclamation point. That means he is excitement. What is the illustrator focusing on? T161
Alphabetical Order Using Alphabetical Order (ABC order) can help you look up words in a dictionary or in an encyclopedia. Knowing ABC order can also help you look up words in an index in the back of a book. Why might you put something in ABC order?
ABC Order Put these words in ABC order! Hold Reply Angry Class Above Yet Wait Close Hint: If a word begins with the same first letter look at the second letter to decide which word should come first. T162
A Paired Selection Turn to pages 78-79! Read the poem titles and look at the illustrations. These poems are about books and reading. In poetry words are chose for how they sound as well as for how they express a thought or a feeling. Some poems rhyme and others do not. Usually lines of poetry are often short.
A Paired Selection In “Good Books, Good Times!” why did the poet choose to repeat the word good? Figurative Language: Look at “Surprise” again. What does it mean to find yourself inside a book? Which lines in “Surprise” rhyme? Go back to “Good Books, Good Times!” Which lines in that poem rhyme?
Vocabulary Conquer: If you think these are things people might conquer, you should raise your hand. Fear of Flying Allergy to peanuts Dislike of Broccoli Long Division Resistance/Anticipation If you think you would have resistance say resistance. If you think you might feel anticipation say anticipation. Visit from a favorite aunt Trip to an annoying cousin
Vocabulary Ponder/Squirmed: If you ponder the things I name, put your hand on your chin. If you think you might squirm you should wiggle in your seat. A math problem A word puzzle Ants at a picnic A Book Assembly/Dismissed If you think the thing I am going to name could be an assembly say assembly. If you think it would mean dismissed say dismissed. Artist visit A snow storm A play performance An end of day bell Patchwork/Plenty: Raise your hands if you think plenty do not do anything if you think patchwork A feast Fields seen from an airplane A full theater A full cupboard
Vocabulary Autographed: Raise your hands if you think one of these can be autographed. A book A Plant A Car A Photograph
DOL C come here now 7. stay away from that hot stove? ! ^ S ! ^
Commands and Exclamations Read these sentences silently. Please, get in line Don’t touch! Help me set up the chairs for the assembly. Which one of these are commands? Which one of these are exclamations?
Commands and Exclamations Write the correct ending for these sentences now! Be polite during the show Throw away your gum Take time and write two commands and two exclamations sentences! T170
Writing: Interview Today we are going to use the list of topics that you made yesterday to write a first draft of interview questions. Look on these pages 66-67. Look at some questions are about the author’s personal life and she gives a very short answer. Other questions are about the author’s writing and will help her answer in detail. At the end of our writing session today we are going to share our interviews with each other. T171