Letter V-1 My Valentine.


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Presentation transcript:

Letter V-1 My Valentine

Valentine’s Day February 14 情人節

valentine 情人

drop 放下、丟下

mailbox 信箱

send it off 寄出去

Letter V-2 Family Vacation

full 滿滿的

volcano 火山

view 景色

bumpy 凹凸不平的

visit 參觀、拜訪

Read It was a very full van. It was a very big volcano. It was a very colorful view. It was a very bumpy ride. It was a very hot day. It was a very fun visit. It was a very long vacation.

What else can you see from the picture. Let’s make a sentence What else can you see from the picture? Let’s make a sentence. It was a very (adj) (n.).

Homework 『Vv story 學習單』 背SB p.24, p.26 單字