Mice and Beans 6.1
menu a list of food offered in a restaurant
fetch to go after and bring back
forgetting not being able to remember something
simmered cooked at or below the boiling point
assembled brought or gathered together
devoured ate or consumes
mouse trap
hurry (hurried)
Spanish words and phrases from Mice and Beans
no importa Pronunciation: no eem-por-tah Meaning: it doesn’t matter
pastelería Pronunciation: pass-tell-air-ee-ya Meaning: bakery Hear it: http://audio1.spanishdict.com/audio?detect_lang=true&speed=25&text=pasteleria Meaning: bakery
¡Qué boba soy! Pronunciation: kay boa-bah soy Meaning: How silly of me!
frijoles Pronunciation: free-hole-ays Meaning: Beans Listen: http://audio1.spanishdict.com/audio?detect_lang=true&speed=25&text=frijoles Meaning: Beans
cielos Pronunciation: see-ay-loze Meaning: Heavens!
casita Pronunciation: cahs-ee-tah Meaning: little house Hear it: http://audio1.spanishdict.com/audio?detect_lang=true&speed=25&text=casita