The session will commence at 12.30 Please mute your microphone Data Security and Protection Toolkit Welcome The session will commence at 12.30 Please mute your microphone Presented by: John Hodson NHS Digital
Year end arrangements Organisations are expected to achieve Standards met on the DSP Toolkit If you are approaching ‘Standards Met’ but not quite there you can submit an Improvement plan showing how you are going to meet the Standard. DSP Toolkit Status will show at ‘Standards not met’ until the plan is agreed and then ‘Standards not fully met (Plan agreed)’ once the improvement plan is agreed. Once improvement plan completed email
Process Organisation approves the action plan with SIRO Upload action plan to evidence item 9.4.3 Add comments explaining sign off Action plan file name XXX DSP Toolkit Improvement Plan 18-19 Once ready Publish your assessment. Email requesting a review of the action plan.
Action Plan Include an Improvement plan against all Mandatory evidence items Each action should include the following: Assertion reference no Evidence item reference no Current position (a description of where you are currently) Action/s required (to meet the standard) Action owner Date action to be completed by No details of the content of the action plan will be public.
Action Plan Review The team at NHS Digital will review action plans in 9.4.3. Improvement plans will not be agreed if: Where there is no credible plan to achieve the evidence requirement Where there is a timescale of over six months for an individual action (unless there are exceptional circumstances), for requirements which were included in the small organisation Entry level unless there are exceptional circumstances and there is a credible plan.
Common Questions 1 Don’t confirm the assertions where the evidence item has not been completed. If you have achieved Standards Met you don’t have to have your Improvement plan reviewed but you will have a Improvement plan for next You can publish more than once. You can update you action plan and re-publish.
Common questions 2 You can have your actions plans for next year that do not need NHS Digital approval (if you are at standards met) (such as tackling non mandatory assertions) Your organisation will be displayed as ‘Standards not fully met (Plan Agreed) It is planned that additional evidence items will be added to the DSP Toolkit for NHS Trusts for 19/20 outstanding improvements will be alongside the work for 19/20