Vocabulary 3.1 Aberration (n) A state or condition markedly different from the norm The fact that it’s still 85 degrees in late October is an aberration – it should be cooler. 1. Write the word, the definition, and the example sentence. 2. Write your own version of the definition. 3. Draw a visual definition of the word. 4. Write a synonym and an antonym for the vocabulary word 5. Write your own sentence using the word.
Vocabulary 3.2 Adversity (n) – difficulties; misfortunes The lovers in a typical Nicholas Sparks novel must overcome numerous adversities before getting together. 1. Write the word, the definition, and the example sentence. 2. Write your own version of the definition. 3. Draw a visual definition of the word. Write a synonym and an antonym for the vocabulary word Write your own sentence using the word.
Vocabulary 3.3 Boistrous (adj) -– noisy, energetic, and cheerful; rowdy The students were boisterous after finishing three days of testing – they were basically uncontrollable. 1. Write the word, the definition, and the example sentence. 2. Write your own version of the definition. 3. Draw a visual definition of the word. 4. Write a synonym and an ntonym for the vocabulary word 5. Write your own sentence using the word.
Vocabulary 3.4 Canny (adj) - having or showing good judgment or shrewdness, especially in money or business matters Mr. Williams is a canny investor – he has a proven track record of making money even during the recession. 1. Write the word, the definition, and the example sentence. 2. Write your own version of the definition. 3. Draw a visual definition of the word. 4. Write a synonym and an antonym for the vocabulary word 5. Write your own sentence using the word.
Vocabulary 3.5 Conundrum (n) – a difficult problem Figuring out which child to save first was quite the conundrum for the emergency rescue team. 1. Write the word, the definition, and the example sentence. 2. Write your own version of the definition. 3. Draw a visual definition of the word. 4. Write a synonym and an antonym for the vocabulary word 5. Write your own sentence using the word.
Vocabulary 3.6 Disdain (n) – lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike Hailey looked at her date with disdain after he openly flirted in front of her with her worst enemy. 1. Write the word, the definition, and the example sentence. 2. Write your own version of the definition. 3. Draw a visual definition of the word. 4. Write a synonym and an antonym for the vocabulary word 5. Write your own sentence using the word.
Vocabulary 3.7 Divergent (adj) – tending to move apart in different directions Though they took divergent paths after high school, Melissa and Brittani remained best friends. Write the word, the definition, and the example sentence. Write your own version of the definition. Draw a visual definition of the word. Write a synonyms and an antonym for the vocabulary word Write your own sentence using the word.
Vocabulary 3.8 Fraught (adj.) – full of; accompanied by The new PS4 game was fraught with boss fights making it very challenging to win. 1. Write the word, the definition, and the example sentence. 2. Write your own version of the definition. 3. Draw a visual definition of the word. 4. Write a synonyms and an antonym for the vocabulary word 5. Write your own sentence using the word.
Vocabulary 3.9 Impute (v) – attribute or credit to The day a project is due, my students impute the blame for not having them completed on the wildest reasons. 1. Write the word, the definition, and the example sentence. 2. Write your own version of the definition. 3. Draw a visual definition of the word. 4. Write a synonym and an antonym for the vocabulary word 5. Write your own sentence using the word.
Vocabulary 3.10 Parched (adj) – dried out by heat or excessive exposure to sunlight After spending the day working in the yard and sweating, I was parched and needed a lot of water to quench my thirst. 1. Write the word, the definition, and the example sentence. 2. Write your own version of the definition. 3. Draw a visual definition of the word. 4. Write a synonym and an antonym for the vocabulary word 5. Write your own sentence using the word.