4/30/13 Chapter 28, Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter: Economic Crisis Aim: How did Presidents Ford and Carter both try to battle the economic crisis? How did Carter try to keep peace in the Middle East? Objective: Students will identify President Ford and Carter’s major policies dealing with the economic crisis of the 1970’s & international policies. Standards: RH2, RH4, WHST4 Do Now/Vocabulary: inflation (p. 946), embargo (p.946), stagflation (p.947) Work Period: History video, “Carter on the Persian Gulf, 1980” Begin graphic organizer. Homework #4.19:, define Disability Rights Movement (DRA, p.957) “Analyzing Visuals” #1&2 p.956. Close: “Analyzing Visuals, Jimmy Carter & the Middle East” p.950 #1&2.
ECONOMIC AND FOREIGN POLICIES DURING FORD AND CARTER’S ADMINISTRATIONS… Ford’s Policies Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), p.946: Oil was used as a political weapon. Members of OPEC put an embargo on shipment of oil to countries that supported Israel. This led to the skyrocketing of prices of oil which made oil & gasoline nearly impossible to purchase oil for many Americans. Helsinki Accords, p.948: In August 1975, Pres. Ford, the leaders of NATO & the Warsaw Pact signed the Helsinki Accords. Under the accords all parties recognized the borders of Eastern Europe established at the end of WWII. The Soviets had to promise to uphold basic human rights including the right to move across national borders. Carter’s Policies Department of Energy, p.949: To lessen the US’s dependence on foreign oil Carter proposed a national energy program to conserve oil & to promote new energy sources such as solar power & asked Americans to reduce their energy consumption. Panama, p.950-951: The US operated the Panama Canal for 60 years but they removed US interventionism by giving control of the canal back to Panama. Camp David Accords, p.951: In 1978, Carter helped broker a historic peace treaty between Israel & Egypt that had been fighting for years.