Financial Inclusion Strategy Dundee Partnership Financial Inclusion Strategy Olive Smiles Social Inclusion Section Leader, Dundee City Council Alison Skene Financial Inclusion Worker (pre-tenancy) Dundee Wider Role Alliance
23.3% of Dundee households economically inactive 42.8% of households are social rented 50.7% of households income under £20,000 26% of Dundee households have no bank account
Social Inclusion Strategy Dundee Partnership Social Inclusion Strategy Prevention Co-ordination of Services Product/Service Development
An Issue for Social Landlords Rent Arrears Eviction Tenancy Turnover/Abandoned Tenancies
Financial Pre-Tenancy Service Alison Skene
Project Vision and Aims Enabling people to sustain tenancies and preventing repeat homelessness Preparing them for the transition from temporary homeless accommodation to a permanent tenancy The project aims to enhance the homeless person’s capacity to manage their lives, including their finances
Homeless Statistics (Dundee City) 2001/2 930 presentations 2006/7 2,130 presentations = 177.5% rise
Referrals Financial Gains for clients - £37,129.00 (approx) 168 clients seen since April 07 Financial Gains for clients - £37,129.00 (approx)
Financial Pre-Tenancy Service Case Study Financial Pre-Tenancy Service