EU Flood Action Programme


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Presentation transcript:

EU Flood Action Programme Water Directors Meeting Salzburg, 1-2 June 2006 Agenda Item 6 EU Flood Action Programme

Package of three components Floods Directive EU Funding Instruments Research, Information

Research and Exchange of Knowledge and Information Research funded: FLOODsite, ERA NET CRUE; forthcoming Research Programme FP7 2007-2013 Research by JRC  next presentation Exchange of knowledge and information: Stakeholder Group on Floods  Two exchange circles established: EXCIFF - Exchange Circle on Flood Forecasting EXCIMAP - Exchange Circle on Flood Mapping Report on work done and proposals for future work in autumn 2006  decision on future work programme and priorities by Water Directors in Nov/Dec 2006

Flood-related EU funding instruments Regulations on Regional Development and Cohesion Funds Regulation on CAP Rural Development Fund Instruments for external assistance  Overview document presented to Water Directors already in December 2004 (Amsterdam)

Regulations on Regional Development and Cohesion Funds political agreement between Council and EP on Regulations 2006 (AT Presidency) Risk prevention as one of the priorities of the proposed Regulations 2007-2013; All flood-related measures and activities eligible, from data collection and preparatory steps to public participation and operational measures; Eligibility defined in EU Regulation to be adopted by EP and Council; however, right and responsibility of Member States to choose – within this frame – their priorities and projects.

Rural Development Fund adopted 2005 and in force All flood-related measures and activities eligible, from data collection and preparatory steps to public participation and operational measures; Total change of paradigm: now measures to comply with EU legislation are eligible for funding; Eligibility defined in EU Regulation already adopted Sep 2005 by Council; however, right and responsibility of Member States to choose – within this frame – their priorities and projects.

Conclusions on funding instruments Flood-related funding instruments are shaped, like the Floods Directive, as flexible instruments and geared to subsidiarity However, Member States will need to set their priorities and make their choices, and rather soon.

Thank you for your attention. © Government of the Netherlands