2 INTRODUCTION To report on the results of the Audit of Registered State Land and desktop analysis of private land ownership in the Republic of South Africa, conducted by the Chief Surveyor-General.
3 BACKGROUND In 2010 the Department of Rural Development and Reform as the custodian of Cadastral information for the Republic of South Africa initiated Land Audit project. The audit was conducted for State owned land and Desktop analysis for Privately owned land
SCOPE OF WORK 4 State Land Audit The purpose of the audit of registered state land is to determine how much land is owned by state and what is it used for and who are the occupants/users. All spheres of government Former homelands Public land (Ingonyama) State owned enterprises The exercise excluded surveyed land not registered.
SCOPE OF WORK, cont’d 5 Private Land Audit Provide statistical information pertaining to land ownership in the Republic of South Africa in terms of: Gender Race (Not obtainable) Nationality/Citizenship (Yes) Percentage share - where an individual owns a land as a result of company ownership (Not yet available from CPIC) Marital Status Living Status (yes)
DISTRIBUTION OF REGISTERED STATE LAND PARCELS PER PROVINCE 6 DISTRIBUTION OF REGISTERED STATE LAND PARCELS PER PROVINCE Province Number of Land Parcels State Owned Land Extent (Ha) Percentage Eastern Cape 113 195 1 510 553 9% Free State 163 012 845 084 5% Gauteng 249 057 304 137 2% KwaZulu-Natal 148 956 4 695 245 28% Limpopo 53 203 2 551 790 15% Mpumalanga 115 109 1 875 146 11% North West 139 186 2 409 778 14% Northern Cape 56 263 1 829 347 Western Cape 117 527 1 040 801 6% Totals 1 155 508 17 061 882 100%
STATE LAND PARCELS CATEGORY - NATIONAL 7 STATE LAND PARCELS CATEGORY - NATIONAL DESCRIPTION Number of Land Parcels Extent (Ha) Percentage Government Entity 74 053 3 812 228 22.3% Municipality 58 856 2 105 933 12.3% National 919 267 6 870 301 40.3% Provincial 99 891 3 179 908 18.6% Not classified 3 441 1 093 511 6.4% Totals 1 155 508 17 061 882 100% Government Entities – Parastatals, other government entities Municipalities – Local, metropolitan and Transitional, old municipalities National – National Departments, RSA, Union of South Africa, former homelands etc. Provincial – Provincial Government Not Classified – appropriate category still to be identified
LAND USE OF STATE LAND- NATIONAL 8 LAND USE OF STATE LAND- NATIONAL Land Use Total Percentage Agriculture & Fisheries 4 027 051 19.7% Commercial 1 224 271 6.0% Community Services 1 813 128 8.9% Conservation 1 867 708 9.1% Forestry 1 540 268 7.5% Industrial & Storage 60 875 0.3% Mining 53 037 Protection Services 353 841 1.7% Recreation & Leisure 2 716 311 13.3% Un-matched General Plan 17 579 0.1% Residential 3 456 202 16.9% Transport 568 225 2.8% Undeveloped Land( Vacant) 2 061 662 10.1% Utilities & Infrastructure 492 249 2.4% Water 176 138 0.9% TOTAL EXTENT (Ha) 20 428 544 100% “Un-matched General Plan” are land parcels that could not be identified by field workers due to differences of the layout the ground compared to how it is represented on approved plans.
LAND USER RESULTS – NATIONAL 9 LAND USER RESULTS – NATIONAL Land User Total Extent (Ha) Percentage Government Department 5 767 977 28.2% Municipality 3 902 424 19.1% Organization 531 484 2.6% Private Person 926 031 4.5% Public Entity 455 407 2.2% Traditional Authority 5 223 438 25.6% Unknown 3 632 210 17.8% TOTAL 20 438 971 100.0%
PRIVATE LAND OWNERSHIP PER CATEGORY 10 PRIVATE LAND OWNERSHIP PER CATEGORY OWNER TYPE Extent in Ha Percentage Individuals 46 582 643 48.2% Companies 21 479 583 22.2% Trust 25 821 476 26.7% Private Organisation 2 665 526 2.8% Not classified 1 564 0.0% TOTAL 96 550 791 100.0% Private Individuals– Natural persons Companies – Close Corporations, PTY LTD, etc (excluding State Companies eg Telkom PTY LTD, ESKOM ) Trust – All trust as registered by the Master of the high court Private Organisation – Churches, Not Classified – appropriate category still to be identified
INDIVIDUALS LAND OWNERS 11 INDIVIDUALS LAND OWNERS Province Gender (Ha) Total Male Female Not Identified Eastern Cape 3,364,966 448,733 144,898 3,958,597 Free State 3,054,269 777,577 139,369 3,971,215 Gauteng 221,760 107,135 11,193 339,204 KwaZulu-Natal 896,201 177,720 111,663 1,185,584 Limpopo 942,831 304,717 49,711 1,297,259 Mpumalanga 878,623 255,216 28,970 1,162,810 North West 1,821,884 557,662 96,562 2,476,108 Northern Cape 9,080,590 2,083,258 146,520 11,310,369 Western Cape 2,465,129 479,140 92,210 3,036,478 22,726,252 5,191,159 821,096 28,737,622
CONSOLIDATE LAND OWNERSHIP 12 CONSOLIDATE LAND OWNERSHIP Province Province Extent State Owned Land Extent (Ha) Private Owned Land Extent (Ha) State Land % Private Land % Total Extent Un-accounted Extent Eastern Cape 16891700 1510553 11370084 9% 67% 12880637 4011063 24% Free State 12982600 845084 11857160 7% 91% 12702244 280356 2% Gauteng 1817800 304137 1181518 17% 65% 1485655 332145 18% KwaZulu-Natal 9332800 4695245 4297235 50% 46% 8992480 340320 4% Limpopo 12575600 2551790 8844083 20% 70% 11395872 1179728 Mpumalanga 7649500 1875146 4805344 25% 63% 6680490 969010 13% North West 10488100 2409778 7481942 23% 71% 9891720 596380 6% Northern Cape 37288800 1829347 35210998 5% 94% 37040345 248455 1% Western Cape 12946300 1040801 11502427 8% 89% 12543228 403072 3% Totals 121973200 17061882 96550791 14% 79% 113612673 8360527
Consolidate Land Ownership
PRIVATE SECTIONAL SCHEMES 15 PRIVATE SECTIONAL SCHEMES PROVINCE SECTIONAL SCHEME SECTIONAL UNITS Eastern Cape 3395 38058 Freestate 3916 30052 Gauteng 24377 396120 Kwa-ZuluNatal 13413 158245 Limpopo 1026 9338 Mpumalanga 1330 14125 North-West 2193 19332 Northern Cape 104 1134 Western Cape 9602 187290 Total 59356 853694