Persuasive Writing
Essential Questions What are the unique characteristics of persuasive writing?
Essential Questions What are the common components we notice in editorials, essays, speeches, letters, journalism, advertisements, cartoons, and other forms of persuasive writing.
Essential Questions How does a writer use language to build, substantiate, and sustain a credible thread of argument?
Concepts and Topics Claim Debatable/Arguable Shares characteristics of thesis statements Answers the question, “What is the author trying to prove?”
Examples of Claims Today there is more pressure placed on students to do well [in school]…this pressure is what is causing the increase in cheating Colleen Wenke, “Too Much Pressure”
Examples of Claims Giving up privacy rights [to government surveillance] can’t guarantee physical safety, but it will certainly inhibit intellectual freedom and limit cognitive liberty. We Americans who cherish our freedoms should seriously consider whether or not this is a compromise we are willing to make. Zara Gelsey, “The FBI is Reading Over Your Shoulder
Concepts and Topics Evidence (or Data) facts, statistics, expert opinion, examples, etc. used to support claim Answers “What does the author say to persuade reader to accept the claim?”
Concepts and Topics Evidence (or Data) Must also appeal to intelligence and feelings of audience Rational Emotional Ethical
Concepts and Topics Warrant Are the assumptions underlying the argument-generally accepted beliefs and values in our society Common ground between author and audience
Concepts and Topics Warrant Connects the evidence to the claim. Answers “Why causes the author to say what s/he says?”
Concepts and Topics Counter-Argument Why and when is it necessary to provide a counter argument?
Concepts and Topics Audience Why is it important to have an audience in persuasive writing? Why should you consider that audience?
Concepts and Topics Syntax How does the order of words in a sentence enhance the desired effect? How do you use various sentence types?
Concepts and Topics Diction How does thoughtful deliberate word choice affect the reader?
Concepts and Topics Organization Why is organization crucial to the intelligibility of the argument?