Using EDMODO In The Classroom EDU 620: Integrating Technology In Education Module 2: Assignment-SAMR Model By: Kristin Ripplinger
Edmodo 101… A web-based safe and easy social network designed for the classroom It is like Facebook but safe, controlled, and school appropriate Classes and students can Connect and collaborate Share Ideas and Content Solve Problems Give Helpful Tips Have Access To Homework User friendly for: Teachers Students Parents
How it Works… The 1st step is to build an account It’s Free It’s Quick and Easy Then Edit Your Information Add A Picture Provide an Intro To Your Class
How it Works… Set Up Your Classes As many different “Groups” as you want You can personalize them
How it Works… Getting Students Set Up Each Student will need to sign up for their own account It’s Free They will need to create their own username I had them do their first and last name (easier to remember) They also will need to create their own password ***Parents may also repeat the same steps to have an account. They get their code from the students page.
How it Works… Getting Students Set Up You will need to provide them with their “GROUP CODE” Each class will have their own Once all of the students are signed up you are ready! ***Students can join more than 1 teacher’s group at a time!
How it Works… Using Edmodo teachers are better able to communicate with their students They can Post: Notes Links Assignments Organize A Calendar And So Much More… I will show you how I have been using Edmodo
How it Works… Edmodo has many useful features: #1. Posting Notes And #2. Assignments Write your message Choose which groups you would like to send it too
How it Works… Edmodo has many useful features: Decide what you would like to attach to it #3. File #4. Link #5. Anything from your personal library
How it Works… Keeping the Class organized #6. Updating the planner
How it Works… Click on the date you want to add an item to Fill in the information Choose which groups you want to see it And Create
How it Works… Edmodo has many useful features: Notifications appear for – Teachers Students Parents
How it Works… The teacher as well as the Students can post and reply This works very similar to Facebook
There’s An App For That… A free app is available for: Teachers Students Parents This app works similar to a Facebook app Notifications Posts Likes Replies
Benefits… This is the 1st year I have used Edmodo and some of the benefits I have noticed so far include: It is simple and easy to work with It is a free system – including the app Students seem to really enjoy it The app makes Edmodo accessible from any device Helps organize students Makes communicating with the students easier
My SMAR LEVELS: SUBSTITUTION- I use Edmodo to replace giving students directions and assignments on paper by posting them in an electronic form. I use Edmodo to provide my students with organizational notifications instead of reminding them to place it in their paper planners. AUGMENTATION- I use Edmodo to enhance student learning by allowing them to be able to ask me questions from home while they are working on an assignment. I use Edmodo to save class time, by posting directions and assignments for students to pre-read and prepare questions before class starts. Substitution – Tech acts as a direct tool substitute, with no functional change. *Replaces what you have been doing with new technology. Does not have a direct effect on what the students are learning. Augmentation – Tech acts as direct tool substitute, with fictional improvement. *Using technology to enhance the students learning (how they were carrying out the tasks before – making it more efficient, informative fashion, swifter – but same task).
My SMAR Goals: MODIFICATION- By the end of the year, I want to use Edmodo to create a threaded discussion. I would like to lead each class in a geography based discussion and then let them each contribute and see which direction they take it. REDEFINITION- By the end of next year I want to create a geography based video creation assignment. I would like to use Edmodo as a canvas for the students to share their videos and contribute constructive comments. Modification - Tech allows for significant task redesign. *Technology is modifying the task to reach the students – the heart of the task remains the same, but new goals are more available to accomplish. Significant improvement in students outcomes. Redefinition - Tech allows for the creation of new tasks, previously inconceivable. *New tasks – that we never thought we could have accomplished before. Students who are failing can now be successful and students who were successful are reaching new levels.