Year 8. Term 1. Revision Sheet Year 8. Term 1. Revision Sheet. The exam will test you on skills you have learnt in your lessons. To be fully prepared complete the tasks below and make sure you understand the keywords. Task 2 – Understand what a critical analysis is, read over your notes from class and your homework of a how to guide. Task 1 – Write a list of words/ Art terms that describes the work of Picasso’s self portrait. What should you include in a critical analysis ? Artist name ( once you have used this, address the artist by their last name throughout) What type of Art form is their work and how was it created? Are they part of a movement or link to a historical event ? Discuss imagery used ( what is it of/what objects are present) Describe the artist’s use of the formal elements –Line/Shape/Form/Tone/Colour/Space/Pattern Discuss the use of space and composition Describe the style and mood of the work Are there any hidden messages or is the artist trying to tell/draw the views attention to something? Your opinion Write in full sentences, correct grammar, punctuation, spelling and include Art terms. Key Words Task 3 – Write a short critical analysis on the formal elements in Picasso’s work from above, using the key words. Task 4 – Write a paragraph comparing the works of Picasso’s self portrait above and Van Gogh’s self portrait.