Assessing Clients with Respiratory Disorders Chapter 21
The Upper Respiratory System Nose Sinuses Pharynx Larynx Trachea
The Lower Respiratory System Lungs Pleura Bronchi and Alveoli Rib Cage Intercostal Muscles
Healthy Lungs
Diseased Lungs
Anatomy of Respiratory System
Gas Exchange CO2 and O2
Assessment of Respiratory Function Health Assessment Interview Describe any respiratory problems dyspnea? Difficult or labored breathing coughing? Past medical history?
The Physical Assessment Nose shape, color, flaring, inflammation Thorax Inspection Respiratory rate tachypnea - abnormally rapid bradypnea - abnormally low Intercostal retractions
The Physical Assessment Auscultation have client take slow deep breaths through mouth listen anteriorly and posteriorly crackles - short bubbling sounds wheeze - continuous musical sound Why might you hear diminished breath sounds?