Happy TUESDAY! What was the overall message of the MONROE DOCTRINE? What is the difference between NATIONALISM and SECTIONALISM? What were the three parts of the AMERICAN SYSTEM? Who proposed it?
UNIT 3 TEST- FRIDAY! 100 POINTS LAST LARGE GRADE OF Q3! I would highly recommend completing your study guide!!
Jackson wins majority of popular vote Election of 1824 John Quincy Adams (MA) Henry Clay (KY) Andrew Jackson (TN) William Crawford (VA) Jackson wins majority of popular vote
But… Jackson-32 votes short from winning majority in the Electoral College No one wins the majority of Electoral College -> top 3 candidates move to the House of Representatives Jackson, Adams, Crawford (Clay had lowest #)
But… Henry Clay was Speaker of the House … aka MOST influential Clay pushes for John Quincy Adams and he WINS
Then… John Quincy Adams makes Henry Clay his Secretary of State …CORRUPT BARGAIN
Claims Clay had approached Jackson with same offer Jackson’s response “Corrupt Bargain” Claims Clay had approached Jackson with same offer Resigns in the Senate and vows to win next election
Why was the election moved to the House of Representatives? RECAP…. Who won the election? Why was the election moved to the House of Representatives? Why is this referred to as the “corrupt bargain”?
1828- Jackson beats Adams for re-election AGE OF JACKSON 1828- Jackson beats Adams for re-election SPOILS SYSTEM: wins election, gives government jobs to supporters, friends and relatives as a reward
Remove property qualifications for voters Appealed to the “common man” Jacksonian democracy Remove property qualifications for voters Extend to more WHITE, MALES Appealed to the “common man” Became known as “Old Hickory”
Native American relations 1830- Indian Removal Act Federal government provide funds to negotiate treaties to force Natives out west Jackson viewed this as “generous” 1831- Cherokee v. Georgia John Marshall refuses to rule, states the Cherokee had no federal standing, they were a “domestic, dependent nation” 1832- Worcester v. Georgia Worcester was a missionary citizen who took the case back to the Supreme Court Court ruled Georgia was not entitled to regulate the Cherokee or invade their land Jackson refuses to abide, “Marshall made his decision, let him enforce it”
SMALL, NON-REPRESENTATIVE portion of Cherokee sign the treaty Treaty of echota SMALL, NON-REPRESENTATIVE portion of Cherokee sign the treaty Gives away 8 million acres of land for $5 million and land “west of Mississippi” Do you think this was fair?
Fully executed by Jacksons successor (Martin Van Buren) Trail of tears (1838) Fully executed by Jacksons successor (Martin Van Buren) Forced removal of the Cherokee from Georgia to Oklahoma 800 mile trip More than ¼ of the Cherokee population dies during the journey Federal officials stole their money and livestock along the way
Trail of tears R- Cherokee A- Loved one in the North F- Postcard T- Treatment of your tribe You are to create a postcard, writing from the viewpoint of a Cherokee. You are writing to a loved one who is unfamiliar with what has been going on involving the Cherokee. Your postcard should be two paragraphs (5-7 sentences each). First paragraph discusses the background and the treatment. You are to mention Cherokee v. GA, Worcester v. GA, Andrew Jackson’s role and the Treaty of New Echota. The second paragraph should be detailed about what the Trail of Tears is such as; where did it start, where were you going, how many of you, how were you treated. Front of your postcard should be an image which depicts the Cherokee’s POV of the Trail of Tears.
What was an element of Jacksonian Democracy? Happy Wednesday! Why did Jackson and his followers nickname the Election of 1824 the “corrupt bargain”? What was an element of Jacksonian Democracy? What’s the difference between Cherokee v. GA and Worcester v. GA? Why was the Treaty of Echota unfair? Who carried out the Trail of Tears?
Jackson on nullification 1828- Tariff of Abominations issued Protect Northern economy, South has to buy more expensive Northern goods John C. Calhoun (SC) claims nullification (anonymously) Senator Hayne supports nullification and states rights , Senator Webster opposes 1832- South Carolina Declare 1828 and 1832 tariffs VOID and threatens secession if officials tried to collect duties JACKSON IS FURIOUS Threatens to hang Calhoun and would use federal force to enforce the tariffs Passes the “Force Bill” in 1830 allowing federal government to use army and navy against SC 1833 Henry Clay proposes a tariff bill that would lower duties over a 10 year period (PEACE)
Jackson and the national bank 1832 Jackson vetoes the recharter for the Bank of the United States Charter was not due to expire until 1836 but Clay and Webster propose earlier renewal Jackson describes the BUS as a “privileged” institution Said the BUS had unfair advantage over state banks BUS stockholders, not average Americans, were making interest “Monster that corrupted our statesmen and wanted to destroy our republican instutiton” “Pet Banks”- small, state banks that received money from the government
OPPOSITION TO JACKSON Henry Clay, John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster form the WHIG PARTY Split from Democratic Party Favor American System, federal banking system, national currency
VIDEO! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzDHrbN5Bds&index=2&list=PLA5e6wnPHowgXgpNC9gDSq1E6gVftuNKh Write down 5 NEW facts!