REGISTRATION 8th Grade 2019-2020
8th Grade Study Habits are important Midterms and Final Exams Keep grades up in order to qualify for high school honor courses in 9th grade
Academic Courses (Required) Language Arts 8 Math World Geography Science 8 Health and P.E. Elective
World Language Begins in 8th grade Specific criteria must be met. This includes a qualifying score on the county rubric, a reading assessment, SOL scores, and your English 7 grade.
Full Year Electives Advanced Band * (page 11) Advanced Chorus (page 12) Advanced Orchestra * (page 13) * In order to take Band or Orchestra in 8th grade it is required that you were in Band or Orchestra in 6th and 7th grade. If you were not, you need to speak with the band or orchestra teacher to see if it is possible to take outside classes in order to join.
Semester Electives Advanced Art – bigger more involved projects (page 10) Journey Towards Independence (page 17) Project Lead The Way APP Creators and Lead the Way Computer Science for Innovators and Makers (page 16) Engineering and Design (page 16) Digital Applications (0.5 high school credit) (page 15) Advanced Theatre Arts (Drama) (page 13)
Registration Process Choose either one full year or semester electives Rank semester electives #1-6 Get a parent signature Turn in your form to the counseling office no later than Friday, March 22nd We will keep track of the registration forms in the order they are returned.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION!! It is important that you turn in your registration paper, even though you have signed up for your classes online. We use your registration paper to make sure you get the classes you want. We do not go by what is put in online for your classes. If we do not get a registration sheet from you then you will be placed in classes and will not be able to change classes.
SHIRLEY C. HEIM MIDDLE SCHOOL 8TH GRADE REGISTRATION FORM 2019-2020 STUDENT’S NAME: PARENT/GUARDIAN: HOME PHONE# PARENT/GUARDIAN EMAIL ADDRESS WORLD LANGUAGE X Spanish ___Latin (you must qualify in order to take this class) ELECTIVE COURSES STUDENTS WILL SELECT ONE YEAR LONG COURSE OR TWO SEMESTER COURSES. BAND, STRINGS, AND CHORUS ARE YEAR-LONG COMMITMENTS. CHOOSE ONE OR CHOOSE TWO SEMESTER COURSES _X__ Chorus (RANK IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE 1 TO 6) ___ *Strings ___Art ____*Band ___Digital Applications *Must have own instrument ___Engineering and Design ____Project Lead the Way App Creators / Project Lead the Way Computer Science for Innovators and Makers ___ Journey Towards Independence ___ Advanced Theatre Arts (Drama)
SHIRLEY C. HEIM MIDDLE SCHOOL 8th GRADE REGISTRATION FOR 2019-2020 STUDENT’S NAME: PARENT/GUARDIAN: HOME PHONE# PARENT/GUARDIAN EMAIL ADDRESS WORLD LANGUAGE ___ Spanish ____Latin (You must qualify to take a world language) ELECTIVE COURSES STUDENTS WILL SELECT ONE YEAR LONG COURSE OR TWO SEMESTER COURSES. BAND, STRINGS, AND CHORUS ARE YEAR-LONG COMMITMENTS. CHOOSE ONE OR CHOOSE TWO SEMESTER COURSES ____ Chorus (RANK IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE 1 TO 6) ___ *Strings __1_Art ____*Band _4__Digital Application *Must have own instrument __3_Engineering and Design __6__Project Lead the Way App Creators / Project Lead the Way Computer Science for Innovators and Makers _2__ Journey Towards Independence _5__ Advanced Theatre Arts (Drama)