The Good Samaritan – Lesson 1 Cooperative learning – describing characters
Learning Intentions I am learning to listen carefully to a bible story. I am learning to describe some of the characters in a well known bible passage. Social Intention I am learning to listen carefully.
Success Criteria By the end of the lesson I can... Describe using 5 words, 2 of the characters in the story. Begin to retell the story of the good Samaritan. By the end of the lessons I will have... Listened carefully to a bible story and to my groups ideas.
Class Builder We are going to play a game called “People bingo” to show that in the class there are people who are similar to us and people who are different to us – and that is a good thing! Line up – oldest to youngest in whisper voices only.
Number off Person 1 is closest to the board. Number off clockwise round your table.
Voice on the table In turn, each member of your group will answer the following questions. Accountability – you may be asked to share what other members of your group said. What was the best thing you did in the summer holidays? What is one interesting fact about you that makes you unique?
Team Builder Think of a fun name for your group. You have 5 minutes.
Christianity – what do you know? Everyone in the group should give at least one idea. Person number 3 should be ready to share with the rest of the class what your group discussed.
Characters – match the meaning Each group will get a pack of cards. Working together in a group, match the character with the description. Red cards are the character names and the black cards are the description.
Story Time
Video 7h Remember – listen carefully.
Bandit/Robber Priest Good Samaritan Bad Good Unkind Selfish Kind Helpful
Character Descriptions Each group will get a different character from the story – Jesus, Bandit, Priest, Temple Assistant, Samaritan man, Injured man. On the paper, each group should draw the character and all the way around the picture, write words which describe the character. Person number 4 should be ready to feedback to the rest of the class.
One stray, 3 stay Person number 2 takes their pictures and goes round each group to show them their group’s work. Once number 2 gets back, the rest of the group should feedback what they have seen and heard from the other groups.
Class Builder - Hot seating One person from the class come up and pretends to be a character from the story. The groups think of questions and ask that character the questions.
Learning Together
Learning Intention- Evaluation With your talking partner, each member of the pair needs to tell their partner 2 characters from the story that they can remember and describe that character in at least 5 words. As a pair, see how many other characters they can remember. Accountability – you might be asked to share your answers with the class.
Social Intention - Evaluation Reflect: 3. How well did you listen to the story? 4. How well did you listen to your group? Fist to 5 – show your answers.
Thank your home team and time to tidy up!