Build an E-Glass for the Blinds Using Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence to Build an E-Glass for the Blinds KHALED AL-SARAYREH, RAFA E. AL-QUTAISH The Higher Council for Affairs of Persons with Disabilities JORDAN,
Abstract IT and communication systems are used in a wide range of our lives. Therefore, we can not imagine our lives without IT and communication systems. From this point we got an idea to build an e-glass which utilizes of an embedded system and neural networks, however, this e-glass could be used by the blinds to assist them in their ways without any assistants from other persons. thus improving their mobility and independent living
Abstract It is important to note that the hardware and software components of the e-glass are not expensive. When this glass is used by the blinds it will make them self confidence, let them walk independently and increase their morale.
Introduction The idea of building an e-glass it will be treated as a first step in using the technology as an integrated or replaceable part of the damaged human neural system; this will help to make the life easier for the blinds.
Introduction The proposed e-glass works through an electronic circuit to scan and collect information about the entire object which could be found in front of the blind, then it will analyse these objects to give a voice command to the blind to keep away from these obstacles (objects).
General View of the E-Glass This e-glass works through the ultra sonic waves by sending radar signals for distance from 2 meter to 50 meters and 120 degrees as a vertical and horizontal cover angle along with 60 degrees to cover the right and left, as a result, in total the cover angle will be 270 degrees. Therefore, after receiving the information from the radar system, they will be analyzed in the artificial intelligence software and produce a warning about any obstacle objects through a headphone.
General View of the E-Glass The characteristics of this e-glass is that it can identify any small object with a 2 cm2 area or more from 2 meters distance. As a future work, this e-glass could be embedded to the electronic devices within the cars. In addition, we can develop the embedded electronic circuit programs to receive the neural flows from the human brain and use the pattern recognition to analyse the objects as images.
How the E-Glass Works? First phase: putting the receiver (radar) on the glass and analysing all the data which are collected from the radar, this analysis could be done through the first electronic circuit programs, then an electronic signal will be sent to the electronic warning and alarming device (the headphone).
How the E-Glass Works? Second phase: the electronic signal will be sent from the first electronic circuit to the second electronic circuit which has the artificial intelligence system to give a scaled warning based on the dangerous degree.
E-Glass Electronic Circuit Figure 1: The E-Glass Embedded System.
E-Glass Electronic Circuit Figure 2: The Electronic Scanning System to Tackle the Objects.
E-Glass Electronic Circuit Figure 3: Sending and Receiving Signals Timing System.
E-Glass Electronic Circuit Figure 4: The Completed E-Glass Electronic Circuit.
Conclusion The research in the filed of using IT to assist the special needs person is little which make it distinctive work from the social view. Therefore, within research we just started a huge work to make the life of the special needs person easier.
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