The Dewey Decimal Game
Dewey Decimal 031 158.2 292.08 332 394.2 398.2 468 523.2 551.5 567.91 582.16 595.7 597.96 599.74 612.8 629.2 636 641 745.1 759 796 811.54 812 932 970 000-099 Computer science, information 100-199 Philosophy and psychology 200-299 Religion and Mythology 300-399 Social Sciences, customs and folklore 400-499 Languages 500-599 Natural Sciences 600-699 Technology 700-799 Arts & recreation 800-899 Literature 900-999 Geography and History
current information on a wide range of topics? 031 question What reference book do you go to when you want current information on a wide range of topics? Answer
031 answer The Almanac! Back to board
158.2 question Where can you find books about respect, tolerance, honesty, friendliness and responsibility? Answer
In the section about character education. 158.2 answer In the section about character education. Back to board
Where would you find a book about Zeus and other Greek gods? 292.08 question Where would you find a book about Zeus and other Greek gods? Answer
In the Mythology section. 292.08 answer In the Mythology section. Back to board
Where would you look if you had an interest in coin collecting? 332 question Where would you look if you had an interest in coin collecting? Answer
332 answer The section on money. Back to board
394.2 question This section of the library covers specific days of the year. What section is it? Answer
It’s the Holiday section. 394.2 answer It’s the Holiday section. Back to board
398.2 question This non-fiction section of the library has some pretty far-fetched stories. What is it? Answer
It’s the fairy tales, folktales, and legends section. 398.2 Answer It’s the fairy tales, folktales, and legends section. Back to board
Hola. ¿Dónde encontrar este libro? 468 question Hola. ¿Dónde encontrar este libro? Answer
[Hello, where would you find this book?] 468 answer [Hello, where would you find this book?] In the Spanish language section. Back to board
Where can I find information about Pluto? 523.2 question Where can I find information about Pluto? Answer
Information about Pluto is in the planet and solar system section. 523.2 answer Information about Pluto is in the planet and solar system section. Back to board
551.5 question This section has interesting things to learn about “whether” or not you are going outside. Answer
It’s the weather section. 551.5 answer It’s the weather section. Back to board
567.91 question Do you want to find out about fantastic creatures that aren’t around any longer? Answer
Look in the dinosaur section. 567.91 answer Look in the dinosaur section. Back to board
582.16 question There’s elms, oaks, sycamores, dogwoods, ashes and maples. What are these? Answer
These are types of trees. 582.16 answer These are types of trees. Back to board
There are over a million different kinds of these. What are they? 595.7 question There are over a million different kinds of these. What are they? Answer
595.7 Answer They are insects. Back to board
597.96 question These reptiles range in size from 4 inches to over 32 feet in length. What are they? Answer
They are snakes and there are about 2700 species of them. 597.96 answer They are snakes and there are about 2700 species of them. Back to board
Where would you find a book about large furry mammals? 599.74 question Where would you find a book about large furry mammals? Answer
In the section featuring lions, tigers, & bears. 599.74 Answer In the section featuring lions, tigers, & bears. Back to board
Can you name your five senses? 612.8 question Can you name your five senses? Answer
Your senses include taste, sight, touch, smell and hearing. 612.8 answer Your senses include taste, sight, touch, smell and hearing. Back to board
Where would you find earthmovers, dump trucks, and bulldozers? 629.2 question Where would you find earthmovers, dump trucks, and bulldozers? Answer
You’d find them in the cars and trucks section. 629.2 answer You’d find them in the cars and trucks section. Back to board
636 question What group of animals is NOT found in the science section of the library? Answer
636 answer Farm animals and pets. Back to board
How can you learn about baking cookies and other desserts? 641 question How can you learn about baking cookies and other desserts? Answer
You can find all kinds of recipies in the cookbook section. 641 answer You can find all kinds of recipies in the cookbook section. Back to board
These books have action-filled stories that look like comic books. 741.5 question These books have action-filled stories that look like comic books. Answer
741.5 answer They are called graphic novels and you won’t find them in the fiction section. Back to board
759 question This section of the library has a real “flair” and makes a big impression. Answer
It’s the section about famous artists. 759 answer It’s the section about famous artists. Back to board
This part of the library just may be the most active. What is it? 796 question This part of the library just may be the most active. What is it? Answer
It’s the sports section. 796 answer It’s the sports section. Back to board
811.54 question This section can have Haikus, Cinquains, Couplets, Acrostics and Limericks. What is it? Answer
It’s the poetry section. 811.54 answer It’s the poetry section. Back to board
812 question Whether it’s one-acts, comedies or dramas, this section will have the script for you. Answer
It’s the section about plays 812 answer It’s the section about plays Back to board
Go way back to the fascinating time of pyramids and pharaohs. 932 question Go way back to the fascinating time of pyramids and pharaohs. Answer
Look in the Ancient Egypt section. 932 answer Look in the Ancient Egypt section. Back to board
tepees, and longhouses. Who were they? 970 question They lived in pueblos, tepees, and longhouses. Who were they? Answer
They were Native Americans 970 answer They were Native Americans Back to board