FAITH GROWTH STRATEGIC PLAN 2019 - 2021 KNOWLEDGE COMMUNITY MISSION STATEMENT VISION STRATEGIC PLAN 2019 - 2021 To create passionate, lifelong learners, with a strong faith, skills and knowledge to be successful members of their communities. To grow Learners PREPARED for the future. Never see a need without doing something about it. - St Mary MacKillop Do little things well with love - St Therese of Lisieux FAITH GROWTH KNOWLEDGE COMMUNITY Provide a faith-filled community with an environment and opportunities to have a genuine and ongoing encounter with Christ. Grow Learner capability in our children Improve family engagement with student learning. Grow Teachers as Learners STRATEGIC GOAL4: RESPONSIVE CURRICULUM Our children will: Be encouraged to build up their ‘skills’ for 21st century Learning – Critical Thinking, resilience, collaboration, Problem Solving etc Have opportunities to become more self-directed, independent learners with a love of Learning. Develop a Growth Mindset. Our teachers will: Develop a true understanding of 21st Century Learning Pedagogies. Be given opportunities for PD / Learning. Become confident participators in leading change in Learning. Our families will: Have opportunities to share in the learning process of their children. Be given support to have their ‘voice’ heard. Be given opportunities to share their expertise with the school learning community. Our Faith community will: Have support to understand the Charism of the school. Be given opportunities to participate and share fully in our Charism/ school culture. Be encouraged to integrate our faith based practices into everyday life. Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4