*Practice “words to know” daily Class News Week of Nov. 12th Mrs. Mingledorff mmingledorff@effingham.k12.ga.us Things to Remember Nov. 7-16 Book Fair. Students can shop individually until Nov. 16th at noon Nov. 19-23 Thanksgiving Holidays Nov. 27 Picture retakes Nov. 29 PTSO 7:00 Nov. 30 Out of uniform and PBIS Award – Extra Recess!! - Ice cream on Wednesdays- $1.00 WISH LIST: Skittles. Clorox wipes What we’re Learning! Words with long a. Math – one more/less, ten more/less, missing addends Shared reading – The Big Race Lewis and Clark, Sacajawea Word Study – long a words like came and wave. Word assessment on Nov. 16th. Words to know: four, five, into, over, starts, three, two, watch (help your child read these) You can make flashcards for practice Your child needs to know how to spell words with long a and words to know words: into, over, five Homework *Practice “words to know” daily Monday – Read, Math sheet Tuesday – Read, write the words into, over and five 2 times and use one of the words in a sentence. Wednesday – Read, practice spelling long a words Thursday – Read, math sheet Children must have 80% or higher on dojo to participate in the PBIS reward each month! Weekly Schedule Monday – Art Tuesday – P.E. (wear tennis shoes) Wednesday –Technology and Library Thursday – P.E. (wear tennis shoes) Friday – Music