Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness Presented by: Dr. Chris Colwell, Deputy Superintendent Dr. Barbara Bush, Director ESE/SS Pam Woods, District Homeless Education Liaison Volusia County Schools
Lack fixed, regular and adequate night-time residence Children and Youth are considered homeless when they lack fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence and they: Share housing of others due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason Stay in emergency or transitional shelters, motels, hotels, travel trailer parks, or camping grounds Stay in cars, parks, public spaces, abondoned buildings, bus or train stations Stay in public or private places not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings Are abondoned or awaiting foster care placement Legal Obligation: School districts are required to identify and serve homeless children and youth, regardless of funding, under the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act. Each district must have a designated homeless liaison and provide specific services. Legal Authority: Sections 1001.41; Florida Statutes Laws Implemented: Section 1003.01 (12), 1003.21 (1)(f); Florida Statutes McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act VCS Student/Pupil Policy Number 209 (adopted and effective July 28, 2009) Definition
Statistics: 2008-09 SY - identified 1990 students who met the federal definition of homelessness 2002-03 SY – identified 350 students who met the federal definition of homelessness Homelessness occurs at all grade levels with the majority occurring at the elementary level
ARRA funds Funding Competitive Grant $120,000 $102,000 Funding: Competitive Grant (not Entitlement): NCLB, Title X, Part C, Homeless Children and Youth 3 year cycle of approval American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds: Based on 2007 homeless number One year grant to be spent by September 2010 Only Dade (2378 homeless students) and Hillsborough (2073 homeless students) received more in Florida Funding
Attendance Academic achievement School stability Focus Areas of Focus: Improve attendance through collaboration of school social workers, schools, and parents Increase academic achievement through afterschool tutoring at area shelters and Longstreet Elementary Provide school stability by improved identification, immediate enrollment, and keeping students in school of origin by supplying transportation Focus
Services Community Linkage Initiatives Initiatives: Services Tutoring Educational supplies Transportation costs Case manager for eastside (ARRA) Support for homeless unaccompanied youth (ARRA) Summer enrichment (ARRA) Staff development Informational brochures District Homeless Education Steering Committee Community Linkage Food Brings Hope United Way Women’s Initiative Volusia/Flagler County Coalition for the Homeless Case Management Family Promise (New Smyrna Beach) Initiatives