The Ancient Middle East & Egypt Ms. Saint-Paul
1. Mesopotamia: "Land Between the Two Rivers"
Controlling the Rivers Tigris and Euphrates Alluvial rivers Flood annually AND deposit fertile silt Irregular flooding Rivers flood at different times Flooding is unpredictable Flood a different times of the year Flash floods Developed canals, dams, dikes & levees Canals divert water (later used for irrigation) Dams hold water back Dikes allow you to open the “flood gates” to allow water to flow when it is needed. Levees are built up banks
The Ancient Fertile Crescent Area The Middle East: “The Cradle of Civilization”
First to develop advanced civilization Sumerians First to develop advanced civilization
Sumer: Land of Firsts First to develop civilization 12 cities Division of labor specialization trade Advanced technology Wheel/axle, plow, potter’s wheel, loom, sail Complex institutions Gov: King-priest (theocracy) Religion: polytheistic ziggurats Military Schools Record Keeping cuneiform
Mesopotamian Trade “The Cuneiform World”
Cuneiform: “Wedge-Shaped” Writing
Cuneiform Writing
Deciphering Cuneiform The Rock of Behistun discovered by Henry Rawlinson in 1835
Deciphering Cuneiform Rock of Behistun
Deciphering Cuneiform
Deciphering Cuneiform
Sumerian Scribes Eduba: “Tablet House”
Sumerian Cylinder Seals
Gilgamesh Oldest piece of literature…an epic Story similar to… …the story of the flood
Gilgamesh Epic Tablet: Flood Story
Served as an observatory & granary Ziggurat at Ur Temple “Mountain of the Gods” Served as an observatory & granary Tower of Babel
Empires of Mesopotamia Sargon of Akkad: The World’s First Empire [Akkadians] Assimilation
The Babylonian Empires
Hammurabi’s [r. 1792-1750 B. C. E.] Code
Hammurabi, the Judge
Babylonian Math
Babylonian Numbers
The Mesopotamians