Chapter 6 Section 1 Pages 324-333 The Early Middle Ages Chapter 6 Section 1 Pages 324-333
Who Were the Franks? Franks(Germanic tribe) Clovis (king) Christianity Settled France Clovis (king) First king to became Catholic Christianity remained major religion Charles (Hammer) Martel Support of Pope Strengthen Roman Catholic Church Stope spread of Islam Charles Martel
Who Was Charlemagne? Charlemagne or Charles the Great Earned name by his people Very educated General Educational system Power of Pope: Crowned Charlemagne “Roman Emperor” Shows power of Pope Pope has power to crown Might have power to …
The Holy Roman Empire Invasions destroyed Frankish kingdoms King Otto I, sent troops to protect the Pope reward, made Otto Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I
A. Why Were Monks Important? Irish monk (Patrick) taught Christianity His success: more monks teaching(missionaries) Charles “the Great” was Christian spread Christianity Catholic