Essay revision for Born a Crime Get your thesis approved (Day 1) Get your outline approved (Days 2-4) Revise and submit to Turnitin (Day 5-7)
outline Introduction Body paragraphs (2 or more x) Technique to introduce reader to topic Approved thesis Body paragraphs (2 or more x) Main idea: rhetorical strategy Evidence Analysis: intended effect on reader Purpose: connect to thesis Conclusion: points to broader significance
Thesis Identify the topic What is Noah’s argument regarding this topic? Does he want to criticize something? Why? Does he want to warn people of something? Why? Does he want to weaken an opposing argument? Why? Does he want the reader to do something in response to his memoir? Why? Does he want the reader to think in a particular way or expose them to a new type of thinking? Why? Does he want to make an emotional connection with the reader or make them feel in a particular way? Why? Argument Expresses a point of view Controversial Not stating a fact Not stating a universal truth
example Noah argues that apartheid normalized racism. Not an argument Noah argues that apartheid {had a particular effect on society, the human psyche, family relations, etc.} Noah argues love is a powerful emotion. Noah credits his mother for {some element of his success, personal, professional, or both} because due to her {mother’s actions}, he was able to {overcome particular obstacles and learn something}.