Address: 1, Institutskaya str., Alexandrov, Vladimir Region MINERAL GROUP Address: 1, Institutskaya str., Alexandrov, Vladimir Region 601650 Russia
LiFePO4 for cathode of Li-ion High theoretical capacity- 170 mAh/g Low cost of Fe if compare with Co (LiCoO2) Drawbacks: Low Li and electronic conductivity for both LiFePO4 and FePO4 Difficult to control valency 2+ for Fe during synthesis
Approach#1 Raw materials: Li2CO3 or LiOH, Fe(CH3COO)2, NH4H2PO4 xH2O Temperature of synthesis 800 centigrade in Ar Fe(CH3COO)2 too expensive Low electrochemical capacity
Approach#2 Raw materials: NH4H2PO4, FeC2O4, Li2CO3 Temperature of synthesis: 500-800 centigrade in N2 Low electrochemical capacity
Approach#3 Formation precursors of LiFePO4 by dissolving in water Li(1+), Fe(3+),PO4(3-) components without pressure. Example: LiOH, FePO4 Solid state reactions 300-600 centigrade in N2/H2 Difficult to control Fe (2+) valency Low electrochemical capacity
Approach#4 ( by Phostech Lithium) Formation precursors of LiFePO4 by dissolving in water Li(1+), Fe(3+),PO4(3-) components without pressure. Hydrothermal treatment of precursors Electrochemical capacity 150 mAh/g Low yield, secondary products necessary to recycle Price for China customers 40 USD/kg
Hydrothermal approach by Mineral Complete recycling of secondary products Standard autoclaves for quartz synthesis are suitable for using after add special tools Perfect crystal structure Electrochemical capacity: 150 mAh/g No patent issues- new technical solution Not necessary purchase any gas (Ar,N2,H2 or others)
Efficiency of LFP-C powder production Expected production cost in Korea (including, salaries, taxes) about 10 USD/kg Market price: 23 USD/kg for commercial grade (electrochemical capacity 120 mAh/g), 40 USD/kg for special grade (electrochemical capacity 150 mAh/g)
Market LFP cathode material Size of the world market about 10 000 tons/year with 50-80% annual growth Main market: hybrid cars and motorcycles, solar Phostech Lithium got investments 91 mln USD investments for production 2500 tons/year LFP
500 nm LFP plates by Mineral
200 nm LFP plates by Mineral
LFP Agglomerates by Mineral
As-grown material
After milling
TEM after carbon coating
X-ray diffraction
Electrochemical capacity (Moscow State University measurements) versus discharge rate for LFP-C powder from Mineral
Discharge curves (Moscow State University measurements) for LFP-C powder from Mineral
Hanwa Chemical Corp- supercritical water method with capacity 600 tons/year Phostech Lithium – autoclave method with capacity 2500 tons/year
Project of 1000 tons/year Setup 25 autoclaves 1500 liters each for synthesis and further processing line (milling, carbon coating, etc) Manufacturing capability 1000 tons/year LFP-C powder Total investments: 30 millions USD