Single Lens 3D Mini Camera for AR Topic: (ICT-05-2019) Project objectives: Bring to market a miniaturized single lens 3D camera to disrupt into established value-chains: endoscopy & mobile telephony Accelerate the development of ideas into business-driven new products : augmented reality ready 3D camera Quickly scaleup production upon successful achievement of the other partners objectives: micro optics manufacturability, clean room optics CONTACT PERSON: Jorge Blasco Institution/Organisation: PhotonicSens Email: Web:
CURRENT CONSORTIUM Types of partners (Industry, SME) Partner 1: Designer of 3D Mini Camera Partner 2: Manufacturability of micro optics in volume Partner 3: Clean Room micro optics Competences & Skills OEM or ODM integrators with experience in the integration of cameras for advanced computer vision applications in fields such as endoscopy, mobile telephony.
WANTED Types of partners (Industry, SME, etc) Work to be performed 1. Integrators for Endoscopy products 2. Integrators for advanced Smartphones (AR ready) Work to be performed Testing of Camera Module for stated applications Integration of Single lens 3D mini camera module in production ready product