A jar of 17 sweets is shared equally between 3 friends A jar of 17 sweets is shared equally between 3 friends. How many are left over?
Answer 2 sweets are left.
Which of these calculations have the same remainder? B 17 ÷ 4 C 12 ÷ 2 D 8 ÷ 3
Answer Which of these calculations have the same remainder? A 11 ÷ 3 B 17 ÷ 4 C 12 ÷ 2 D 8 ÷ 3
At a football tournament, 18 people turn up and teams of 5 are made At a football tournament, 18 people turn up and teams of 5 are made. How many people won’t be in a team?
Answer 3 people won’t be in a team
Two forms run a bake sale and raise £13 in pound coins. How many pound coins should each form get? How many pound coins will be left over?
Answer £6 for each form. There will be £1 left over