Our Fourth Grade Classroom News The Week of November 12, 2018 Email: felicia.johnson@henry.k12.ga.us Twitter: @Felicia83216650 Website: https://schoolwires.henry.k12.ga.us/Domain/3143 Our Upcoming Week Reminders November 16 Class Spelling Bee November 19 – 23 Thanksgiving Break November 12 – 29 Chorus Canned Food Drive November 30 PTO Family Craft Night December 1 Last Payment Due December 3 – 7 Santa’s Workshop December 7 School Spelling Bee This week is Kindness Week at NHE “Spread Kindness like Confetti” 11/12 – Spread Confetti with our Donations - St. Jude Math-a-thon Kickoff 11/13 – Spread Confetti with our Words – Postcards to share with Children’s Healthcare 11/14 – Spread Confetti with Actions – Students will do a Random Act of Kindness 11/15 – Spread Confetti with our Gifts – Students will share a gift (card, drawing, non-food item) with a friend, secret pal, or classmate 11/16 – Spread Confetti with our Attire – “Blue Day” Wear blue to show your commitment to showing kindness Honor Chorus is collecting canned goods. Please send in canned goods now through November 29th! RELAY FOR LIFE – Poster Contest “Spotlight on a Cure” Entries due Tuesday, December 18th. Our Learning Reading/ELA – Text Structure (cause/effect, problem/solution, comparison) Writing – Informational Writing Math – Area, Perimeter, Multiplication, Division Science – Sun, Moon, Planets Goal Setting: Reading focused – ask your student what their plan is for showing mastery of standard RI5 ELAGSERI5: Describe the overall structure (comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text. Our Learning FIELD TRIP REMINDERS Final payment of $90.00 is due December 1, 2018. T-shirt size order form due ASAP!!