Invited Talks Proposals John Byrd (ANL) and Pietro Musumeci (UCLA)


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Presentation transcript:

MC6 – Accelerator Systems-Beam Instrumentation, Controls, Feedback and Operational Aspects Invited Talks Proposals John Byrd (ANL) and Pietro Musumeci (UCLA) SPCC2 Meeting, MSU, 16-17 January 2019

MC6: Accelerator Systems 5 invited talks (2.5 hrs) (+12 contributed, 3.5 hrs) 22 Proposals in SPMS 17 Proposals with at least one votes received ID # Votes(1st+2nd) Presenter Institution Title 1083 7+5 Steven Michael Lidia FRIB Commissioning of the FRIB Beam Instrumentation   1253 6+3 John Fox Stanford State of the Art Feedback Systems in Particle Accelerators 1357 2+5 Stefano De Santis LBNL Stripline Kickers for Swap-Out Injection in the ALS-U 1330 2+4 Rogelio Tomas CERN Review of Linear Optics Measurement and Correction for Charged Particle Accelerators 1393 2+1 Joseph Patrick Duris SLAC Using Gaussian Processes and Bayesian Optimization at the LCLS to Maximize FEL Pulse Energy 1422 0+8 Robert Michnoff BNL Beam Position Monitoring for Bunched-Beam Electron Cooling at RHIC 1329 0+4 Robert Scholten Melbourne Time-Resolved Brightness Measurements by Streaking 1327 1+3 Qiang Gao Tsinghua Single-Shot Wakefield Measurement System 1434 Claudio Emma Machine Learning Based Prediction of Longitudinal Phase Space for Particle Accelerators 1372 1+0 Alexander Scheinker LANL Machine Learning Applications in Particle Accelerators 1203 0+3 Zachary Sorrell ORNL Low-Level RF Control System Development for the Spallation Neutron Source Proton Power Upgrade 1295 Willem Blokland Machine Learning at SNS for Prevention of Errant Beam 1349 Simon Christian Leemann Application of Machine Learning to Improve the Beam Size Stability in Synchrotron Light Sources 1416 Andrew Benwell  LLRF Operational Experience of Two LCLS-II Cryomodules 1081 0+2 Scott Cogan Application of Beam Position and Phase Monitors for Heavy Ion Beams 1221 0+1 Xinyu Ren XFEL Power Measurement From Computer Vision Machine Learning Analysis of Electron Phase Space 1258 William L. Waldron Pulsed Magnet Technology for Extremely Low Emittance Storage Rings: A Review 1421 Auralee Edelen Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Accelerators MC6: Byrd (BNL) and Musumeci (UCLA)

MC6: Proposed Invited Program-1st iteration Primary Talks 1083 Steven Michael Lidia FRIB Commissioning of the FRIB Beam Instrumentation   1253 John Fox Stanford State of the Art Feedback Systems in Particle Accelerators 1357 Stefano De Santis LBNL Stripline Kickers for Swap-Out Injection in the ALS-U 1330 Rogelio Tomas CERN Review of Linear Optics Measurement and Correction for Charged Particle Accelerators 1393 Joseph Patrick Duris SLAC Using Gaussian Processes and Bayesian Optimization at the LCLS to Maximize FEL Pulse Energy Backup Talks 1422 Robert Michnoff BNL Beam Position Monitoring for Bunched-Beam Electron Cooling at RHIC   1329 Robert Scholten Melbourne Time-Resolved Brightness Measurements by Streaking 1327 Qiang Gao Tsinghua Single-Shot Wakefield Measurement System 1434 Claudio Emma SLAC Machine Learning Based Prediction of Longitudinal Phase Space for Particle Accelerators Balances: 4x America, 0x Asia, 1x Europe 5 M, 0 F (only one female speaker proposed) MC6: Byrd (BNL) and Musumeci (UCLA) 3

MC-6 comments Lots of machine learning proposals (“ e.g. Machine learning for xxxx) Is ID1393 (Duris, “Using Gaussian processes and Bayesian….) miscategorized? Maybe MC5-Beam Dynamics. Possibly substitute Tianhuan Luo (female) as speaker for ID1357 in place of Stefano De Santis. She had a big role in this effort at the ALS.