How God Redeems Difficulty 3 Examples
Big Idea: What has been meant for harm, God has used for good Big Idea: What has been meant for harm, God has used for good. God’s aim is to make sure that no matter the circumstances- we know and can surely tell those around us that His power was at work in anything. When hardship becomes an avenue for maturing in His likeness then everything is grace.
Joseph (Genesis 37-47): The well of abandonment, the entrapment of being in others’ power, the disappointment of not being vindicated: God uses each turn of Joseph’s difficulty to grow his faith and bring an expectation of good news to those around him. Ultimately, the delay of rescue brought him into opportunity to save his entire family!
David (1 Samuel 17): The weapons the enemy brings against us- fear, anxiety, depression, doubt, grief- these taken up in faith become the very tools of his demise as God aids His people not by equipping us with something new or what others would do in the same scenario, but by using what we offer in faith.
Jesus (Mark 15-16): The suffering of the Son of God, being found totally abandoned and feeling utterly forsaken, is the precise moment all of humanity is gathered up into a worthy One’s cry for help- and is rescued not from the pain, but through it- so to conquer once for all the great enemy.
Put another way, the giant called Sin leveled the sword called Death at God’s people. Jesus used that very sword to display total victory over Sin, for all God’s people.