UPDATE ON PARCA ACTIVITIES NDIA 26 August 2010 Hello, I am Gary Bliss, the Director of the Performance Assessment and Root Cause Analysis office within USD(AT&L). Today we will briefly discuss what PARCA may mean to program offices and how PARCA fits into an emerging mode of doing business that the acquistion system is headed into. Mr. Gary R. Bliss Dir, Perf Assmnt & Root Cause Analysis (PARCA) Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (571) 256-0646 gary.bliss@osd.mil
Recent PARCA Activities Relationship with DCMA EVMS Policy Root Cause Progress PARCA has made in staffing Outlooks on filling key positions Current PARCA Charter Anticipated Changes PARCA EVMS Stakeholders Meetings Key points Progress to date from PARCA's view point PARCA's assessment of the current OSD efficiency initiative Where does PARCA play in this Organization Wiring Chart Staff members & responsibilities
PARCA ORG CHART http://www.acq.osd.mil/asd/sub/parca/