Coat of Arms
Cover Page
Main Table of Contents
Goals Section
Annual Goals
Quarterly Academic Goals
Quarterly Citizenship Goals
Quarterly Life-long Goals
Academic Assessments Section
Annual Academic Section
QTR 1-Academic Progress Report Card 1st QTR 1-Academic Progress Report Card
QTR 1- Accountability Chart 1st QTR 1- Accountability Chart
Section-Student Habits
QTR 1-Student Habits-Academic Behavior STANDARD Score Justification/Comment on Score My notebook is organized and I put my papers on the rings after each class. I use my planner every class period. I show my parents my planner each night. I pay attention in class. I use class time to work effectively. I don’t distract other students from getting their work done. I’m able to and offer help to other students at appropriate times. I bring all needed supplies to class daily. My school bag is organized. I complete assignments. I check my grades at least once a week. I do my homework at home when needed. I read books and always have a book with me to read at school. STANDARD Score Justification/Comment on Score I use study hall to my advantage. I review my notes and assignments on a regular basis. I am well behaved during class. I do my best on all my assignments. I study for tests. I regularly share information with my parents. My parents know my grades. My behavior outside and in the halls meets expectations. I am polite and respectful to all staff members. I am polite and respectful to other students. My behavior on the bus is appropriate. Teachers do not have to ask me more than once to complete a task. I start on my own. I don’t have to be told to get to work. QTR 1-Student Habits-Academic Behavior
QTR 1-Study/Work Habits
Subject Area Section
QTR 1-Subject Area Contents 1st QTR 1-Subject Area Contents
1st QTR 1-LA
1st QTR 1-Math
1st QTR 1-Science
1st QTR 1- SS
1st QTR 1 - Health
1st QTR 1- PE
1st QTR 1- Digi-Tools
1st QTR 1- Genius Hour
1st QTR 1- Global Issues
1st QTR 1- Advisory
Awards Section
School Recognitions
Extra-Curricular Activities