Study Outline Character matching (matching) Basic plot questions (multiple choice & true / false) Short answer questions: Camera lens activity (Scout’s perspective) Shutter Activity (inferences of Boo Radley) Boo’s Clues (handout) Quotes (ppt) New Testament passage (ppt) Gray Ghost (allusion & connection) Themes (ppt)
“…movin’ him to the county jail tomorrow…I don’t look for any trouble, but I can’t guarantee there won’t be any…” –Heck Tate ch. 15 How does this quote propel the story? This quote speaks to the conflict the Tom Robinson trial puts on the community. It possibly foreshadows what comes after the trial. This builds suspense for the reader because now the reader is expecting trouble to happen.
“…you can’t run three hundred miles off without your mother knowin’ “…you can’t run three hundred miles off without your mother knowin’.” Jem ch. 14 What character traits does this quote reveal about Jem? Kids have the tendency to act without thinking of others feelings. This quote is proof that Jem is growing up and learning about the responsibilities we have towards other people. He recognizes the fear Dill’s mother feels.
“…That man seems to have a permanent grudge…” Aunt Alexandra ch. 27 How does Aunt Alexandra’s quote propel the action in the story? This quote sets up a future conflict: Bob is out to get everyone connected with the case, including Atticus. It adds suspense because we know something bad could happen.
“I wish Bob Ewell wouldn’t chew tobacco.” Atticus ch. 23 What does this quote reveal about Atticus? This quote shows Atticus’s tolerance for ALL people. He doesn’t insult Bob, he doesn’t fight back, he just keeps his cool. He is truly acting as the “bigger” person.
“To my way of think’n, Mr. Finch, taking the one man who’s done you and this town a great service…” Heck Tate ch. 30 Explain this quote. How does it provoke a decision? Tate infers [and Scout later says] that telling the truth is this matter would be like “shootin a mockingbird.” It will do more harm than good to both Boo and the community of Maycomb. Atticus has to make the decision to (shoot the mockingbird) or cover-up the truth.
“There’s a black boy dead for not reason and the man responsible for it is dead. Let the dead bury the dead this time, Mr. Finch. Let the dead bury the dead.” This quote refers the New Testament passage from Luke 9:60 & Matt 8:22. A man askes in response to following Jesus if he can bury his father first, then follow Jesus. Jesus responds, “Let the dead bury the dead, but you go and proclaim the Kingdom of God.” The word “dead” here refers to both physical death and spiritual death. Jesus isn’t cold hearted, he says instead of waiting for you father to die, let those who remain bury him when he does. Let the spiritually dead bury the physically dead. Likewise, Tate isn’t being cold hearted or unjust. Tate is expressing the urgency to say that Bob Ewell (the spiritually dead) bury with him the secret of his death (physically dead).
The Book: Gray Ghost (allusion & connection) Atticus chooses this book randomly from je’s shelves to read. However the significance and symbolism show not be lost on the reader: According to Scout the character Stoner’s Boy is accused of messing up a clubhouse and throwing in all over. They (other characters) chased him but they could never catch him because the didn’t know what he looked like. But when they see him, they realize he was innocent. This title is a reference to Boo Stoner’s Boy is a reference to Tom and Boo: both innocent, both accused of things they didn’t do; and when we see their true character we know they’re innocent.
You will need to prepare your own responses to the following questions. How is the theme of racism/prejudice FIRST introduced in the novel? How does the author build up this theme? In other words, what events from the novel prepare the reader for the Tom Robinson trial? (hint, think Cecil & Francis)