English 10 - 2/11/19 Who do you think put the blanket on scout’s shoulders when Miss Maudie’s house burned down? How can you explain it? Incontinence Hotline…Can you hold please? Cagophily – collector of keys. Goals – Discuss vocabulary, questions and ideas. Work on diction handout. Homework – Read and annotate Ch. 14 TKAM. Do a journal. Study for vocab 18 on Friday!
English 10 - 2/12/19 In chapter 12, explain why Calpurnia speaks differently in the Finch household, and among her neighbors at the church. Depression is only anger without the energy. Oologist – collector of bird’s eggs. Goals – Discussion selected from student quotes or work on the Theme Analysis: Courage and Ethical Issues: Segregation handout. Use complete sentences for all answers. Homework – Read and annotate Ch. 15 TKAM. Do a journal entry. Study for vocab 18 on Friday!
English 10 – 2/13/2019 In Chapter 13What motivates Aunt Alexandra to move in with Atticus and the children. Why does Atticus let her? As long as there are tests there will be prayer in public schools. Discophily – collector of records. Goals – Discuss in groups. Perhaps finish yesterday’s handout. Homework – Read and annotate Ch. 16 TKAM. Do a journal entry. Study for vocab 18 on Friday!
English 10 - 2/14/19 By Chapter 14, describe how Scout and Jem’s relationship has changed? Why? When does the road get angry? Grammatology – worship of words. Goals – Discuss in groups. Answer questions. Homework - Read and annotate Ch. 17 TKAM. Do a journal entry. Study for vocab 18 tomorrow! When somebody crosses it.
English 10 - 2/15/19 Five minutes to study for vocab. #18. Why did the clown eat a dollar bill? Noodling- music that is played as title or credits roll. Goals – Complete and correct vocab #18. Finish any handouts that you have not completed. Homework – Read and annotate Ch. 18 and 19 TKAM. Do a journal Entry for each. Study for vocab 19 next Friday! It was his lunch money.