Improving the Social Inclusion of European Citizens ESF Thematic Network on Inclusion Meeting 4-5 May, Brussel
FEAD in Germany The aim of the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) in Germany is to support the social cohesion and social integration of persons at risk of poverty and social exclusion.. The Fund has been newly introduced for the 2014-2020 funding period. It was officially launched in Germany on 22 February 2016 in Berlin. The FEAD supports people in Germany who are affected by poverty and have no or only insufficient access to the counselling and support services in the regular assistance system. These are: Especially deprived newly arrived Union citizens Children of especially deprived newly arrived Union citizens Homeless people and people at risk of homelessness The FEAD is an important instrument to help municipalities to face up to the challenges resulting from the increasing immigration of Union citizens from other EU states. In Germany there are 83 FEAD projects.
The Project Project cycle: from the 1st of January 2016 to the 31st of December 2018 Target group: newly arrived persons and families from EU countries > focus on: Romania and Bulgaria Public authorities and local institutions, counselling services Responsability for 5 districts of Berlin: Marzahn-Hellersdorf, Lichtenberg, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Neukölln und Mitte Staff: 12 people, divided into different sub-teams: outreach, reception, mediation, counselling, coordination, documentation and office work Finances: 1 million Euros for 3 years > 95% FEAD and 5% Federal State of Berlin
Our Goals and Tasks Providing access to public authorities and local institutions Reducing poverty and supporting social inclusion Contact establishment to the „hardest-to-reach“ target group Outreach and intervention in public spaces Counselling on topics such as: legislation, shelter, health care system, educational system, social benefits Providing access to local institutions Raising awareness and public relations Donatella As Janka already described our client face many problematics when arriving to Germany. They experience poverty, social exclusion and discrimination in several areas such as employment, housing, education, health and social assistance schemes. Stigmatized and segregated spaces are the main determinants for the access to all spheres of social life. Our goal as MOBI.Berlin is to reduce they poverty and social exclusion, providing the an access into society. We address these issues through these ways: Establishing a contact with them, reaching them out physically with public interventions. This let us understand the real condition they experience. Where do they sleep; are there children? Are they healthy? Do they have access to food, showers, clothes? Counselling them, providing all the information they need in order to improve their conditions when starting a new life and make their integration´s process into society easier. So they get from us info about legislation, shelter, health care system, educational system, social benefits. We mediate between them and local institutions. Supporting them during the integration process. A very important part of our dayli job is also raising awareness. Part of our job is in fact make the local people aware on the need of the target group also fighting any kind discrimination. Now we would like to give a real example of our job and introduce one of the family we worked with last year.
Life Circumstances
From the Street…
... to Education and Shelter
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