FCDR generation: Dealing with multi-references - HIRS/2 + AIRS + IASI - Change title to more general one. - Focus can stay on the HIRS work, however, given the character of the workshop an introduction on the VIS/Near-infrared work is also needed. Viju John , Rob Roebeling, and Tim Hewison
Objectives To develop Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR) of METEOSAT heritage channels (re-calibrate and inter-inter-calibrate) WV channel – ~6.5 µm, sensing water vapour in the upper troposphere IR channel – ~10.2 µm, sensing surface emission MVIRI on MFG + SEVIRI on MSG 1982 – present; i.e., 30+ years of time series which suffice climate analyses New FCDR data set will include re-calibrated radiances and coefficients to convert back to original radiances and also to obtain inter-calibrated radiances The new data files will be written in NetCDF4 format
Recalibration procedure 1980 2002 2006 2014 HIRS/2 AIRS IASI
Transferring reference: Double Differencing More explanation needed Delta 4