D E F I N I T I O N I. TROOP LEADING PROCEDURE – IS A LOGICAL SEQUENCE OF ACTION AND THRU PROCESSES WHICH MILITARY LEADER MUST FOLLOW IN DEVELOPING AND EXECUTING A TACTICAL PLAN. STEPS IN TROOP LEADING PROCEDURE 1. Begin planning. 2. Preliminary action. a. Movement of your unit (5Ws & How) b. Reconnaissance (select route, schedule and personnel to take with you)
d. Coordination (adjacent and support unit) c. Issuance of order,”Warning Order” (notify your subordinate, leader, time and location) d. Coordination (adjacent and support unit) Conduct reconnaissance Complete plan Issue order Supervise (supervision)
ESTIMATE OF SITUATION – IS A MENTAL PROBLEM SOLVING PROCESS THAT A LEADER MUST GO THROUGH TO BE ABLE TO COME UP WITH A LOGICAL AND REALISTIC ASSESSMENT OF A TACTICAL SITUATION, NECESSARY FOR A GOOD DECISION. STEPS OF ESTIMATE OF SITUATION: 1. Know the mission or problem. 2. Assemble all facts which have bearing on the problem determine the oppose condition and seek out various possible position. 3. Analyze its possible solution to determine its advantage and disadvantage.
5. Translate your selected possible solution into decision. 4. Compare the possible solution and select the one most likely the best to solve the problem. 5. Translate your selected possible solution into decision.
FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED DURING ESTIMATE OF SITUATION: 1. Mission a. Specific Task – is a commander expressly directed task of your unit. b. Implied task – is any tasks your unit must necessary perform in order to accomplish your assign or specific task. 2. Enemy – you must carefully consider the nature of the enemy and analyze the likely effect he will have on the successful accomplished of your unit’s mission. You must also consider the general capabilities of the enemy as a force.
C – Cover and concealment O – Observation and Field of fire 3.Terrain & Weather – you must consider all aspects or the terrain and weather in the area of operations in order to determine their expected effects on the overall tactical situation. The terrain on the other hand is best analyzed with respect of the following (COCOA) C – Cover and concealment O – Observation and Field of fire C - Critical terrain feature O – Obstacles A - Avenue of approach
4. TROOPS AVAILABLE – you must carefully asses the capabilities and limitations of your men. To do this you should examine the strength disposition, morale status or equipment and supplies and the state of training of your unit. IV. Combat Orders – is the announcement or a commander’s plan on how he intends his unit to conduct a particular operation. Combat orders may be issued in writing or verbally. In giving combat orders, you must do it in a manner that is clear, complete and concise in order not to leace chance for misinterpretation or duties.
TYPES OF COMBAT ORDER 1. Operation Order (OPORD) – the operation order contains all the information and guidance concerning the coordinate action necessary to carry out the commander’s plan on how to conduct an operation. 2. Fragmentary Order (FRAGORD) – the fragmentary order is a brief, concise and timely order given for the conduct or operations. The FRAGORD is normally used to supplement or modify a current operations order while the operation is in progress. It may include changes in the following:
e. Coordinating instruction * OPERATION ORDER 1. Situation a. Current attachment and detachment b. Situation c. Mission d. Combat support e. Coordinating instruction * OPERATION ORDER 1. Situation a. Enemy Forces b. Friendly Forces
c. Attachment/Detachment 2. Mission 3. Execution a. Concept b. Mission of subordinates element is required c. Coordination Instruction 4. Administrative & Logistic and Svc Support a. Supply Services b. Medical evacuation
5. Command & Signal a. Signal 3. Warning Order – the warning order gives advance notice of an impeding action so that the subordinates can make a maximum use of available time for planning and preparations. This type of order is usually a brief message containing essential information enough to start planning and initial preparation. Normally it will include information regarding the type of action to be expected, time the action will take place, the area where it is to occur and the time and place the operations order will be issued.
4. Standing Operating procedure (SOP) –the unit standing operating procedure is a set of instruction having the force of order and which requires the performance of standardized or routine procedures at the event of any contingency. When an SOP is in effect, it has to be complied with by the members of the unit upon the happening of the event it was intended for. It may never tactical as well as administrative matters and the provisions will remain enforce unless otherwise prescribed by the authority which issued it.