Collectivity in small systems measured with PHENIX at RHIC Tamás Novák Moriond QCD – March 29th 2019, La Thuile, Italy Based on Sylvia Morrow’s talk at DNP-JSPS18, M. Csanád’s PHENIX talk at Zimányi 2018 and T. Csörgő’s talk at COST Workshop 2019
Outline RHIC d+Au Beam Energy Scan RHIC Geometry Scan p/d/3He+Au: v2, v3 Hydrodynamic predictions CGC postdictions QGP droplets engineered Summary Tamás Novák
RHIC Beam Energy Scan Is it due to the appearance of the sQGP (i.e. a strongly coupled fluid)? If yes, how much time is needed to spend in QGP phase? Test: d+Au collisions from 20 to 200 GeV Phys.Rev.Lett. 120 (2018) no.6, 062302 Phys.Rev. C96 (2017) no.6, 064905 Tamás Novák
Origin of Final State Collectivity Is it due to initial geometry and hydro? Hydrodynamics: initial spatial correlations Alternative: initial momentum correlations Test (Geometry scan): p+Au, d+Au, 3He+Au at √s =200 GeV How do v2 and v3 evolve with initial state geometry? RHIC operations: versatility. Tamás Novák
Geometry Scan: 3 Different Shapes Hydrodynamics (SONIC, LQCD EoS, 1+2d): Different initial geometry /energy deposition translated by 𝛻p to different final state momentum space correlations Tamás Novák
PHENIX Detector System CNT: Charged particle tracking, central arm FVTX: Charged p. tracking, event plane; BBC: event plane, centrality Tamás Novák
Geometry Scan: v2 results Consistent with hydro and geometry ordering Tamás Novák
Geometry Scan: v3 results Consistent with hydro and geometry ordering Tamás Novák
Flow in Small Systems: Geometric Ordering v2, v3 results beautifully consistent with hydro ordering What about quantitative test and/or alternative explanations? Tamás Novák
Comparison to Hydro Calculations Tamás Novák
Is there any altenative explanation? Hydro: initial state spatial correlations a.k.a. geometry Alternative: initial state momentum correlations Mace et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 052301 (2018) Final state momentum correlations Tamás Novák
Alternative Model vs Data MSTV postdiction (Mace, Skokov, Tribedy, Venugopalan, PRL121, 052301) Reasonable v2 description, misses v3 ordering Tamás Novák
Data vs Hydro vs MSTV Can we distinquish models „by eye” ? Tools for discrimination: confidence levels MSTV: multiplicity dependence; test v2 at same dN/dh Tamás Novák
Statistical Test of Three Models QGP droplet and hydro have good to excellent p-values for all 6 distributions; MSTV marginal in d+Au, He+Au, excluded for p+Au and combined Tamás Novák
MSTV Prediction Fails Qualitatively for v2 at Fixed Multiplicity Compare similar collision systems Tamás Novák
Summary Strong evidence for QGP droplets in small systems Good confidence levels for hydro p/de/3He+Au Partially supported by EFOP 3.6.1-16-2016-00001 and the NKTIH grants FK-123842 and FK-123959 Tamás Novák
Thank you for your attention! Questions? Tamás Novák
The latest from MSTV: arXiv:1901.10506v1 30% uncertainties are added • hard to evaluate the data to theory comparison without knowledge of the correlations in these uncertainties • in particular, it is very important to know how the uncertainties are correlated between harmonics and systems Tamás Novák
Nature Physics Editorial: QGP, drop by drop Tamás Novák
MSTV2: central d+AU and 20-40% d+AU are nearly identical Tamás Novák