Lessons Learned WG Update GLM, Washington May 2018 v
Content WG activities 2018 Lessons Learned After Action Monitoring Purpose Tracking table Dashboard
Activities 2018 Learning from Lessons Lessons Learned Methodology Concluded: Ethiopia and Haiti Strengthen: Adding a management response Including Quality Team from start After-action developed and monitored Tracking table developed After-action monitoring system developed Dashboard for learning and monitoring Upcoming: South Sudan Bangladesh Services implemented by partners Impact assessment In 2018, the WG has had 4 calls with participants from THW, ACF, Goal, UNICEF and the GLC. The focus has been to 1) establish the role of the WG, 2) agree on priorities for 2018 (Methodology strengthening, lessons for South Sudan and Bangladesh, develop/agree on tracking table and system for monitoring after-action, if time and as needed support Service WG with studies and do a test impact assessment), 3) discuss how to strengthen methodology (agreed to add a management response to each report to futher strengtening accountability and clarifying the action, which has been agreed to implement. In addition, we agreed to expand the role of the Quality team to be included from the start to increase the focus of the lessons by narrowing scope in TOR stage). Finally, it has been discussed that after-action was weekly followed up on and required a system. 4) Tracking table and dashboard to be dicussed in next slide. THW, ACF, Goal, UNICEF + GLC 4 calls in 2018 (till May)
After-action monitoring - Tracking table Purpose: to track progress and document learning and actions taken Use: Understand best practices, Identify where more action needs to be done Help track and document performance (and develop KPIs) for key functional cluster areas Lessons and actions are shown by: Global/local level Country IASC core function (including sub-category) The responsible technical area under who’s responsibility the action lies Status of the action The table is being RETROACTIVELY filled Retroactive management response will be filled before next GLM Future: progress updated on a 3 months basis A tracking table for the lessons, recommendations and action monitoring has been designed It can be used to understand best practices, identify where more action needs to be done, and help develop KPIs for key functional cluster areas
IASC Cluster Functions Informing strategic decision-making Supporting service delivery Planning and strategy development Preparing needs assessments and analysis of gaps to inform the setting of priorities, Identifying and finding solutions for (emerging) gaps, obstacles, duplication and cross-cutting issues Formulating priorities on the basis of analysis Providing a platform that ensures service delivery is driven by the Humanitarian Response Plan and strategic priorities Developing mechanisms to eliminate duplication of service delivery Developing sectoral plans, objectives and indicators that directly support realization of the overall response’ strategic objectives Applying and adhering to common standards and guidelines Clarifying funding needs, helping to set priorities, and agreeing cluster contributions to the HC’s humanitarian funding proposals Monitoring and reporting on performance Preparedness Advocacy Monitoring and reporting on activities and needs, Measuring progress against the cluster strategy and agreed results Recommending corrective action where necessary Contingency planning/preparedness for recurrent disasters whenever feasible and relevant, Building national and local actors’ capacity Identifying concerns, and contributing key information and messages to HC and HCT messaging and action, Undertaking advocacy on behalf of the cluster, cluster members, and affected people
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