Anatomical and Physiological Substantiations of the Operative Interventions on the Neck Region
Regions of the Head and Neck
Neck triangles. Morphological Grounding of the Middle and Lateral Triangles
Middle Muscular Group as a Morphological Grounding of Neck Triangles
Neck Fasciae
Neck Fasciae: Superficial fascia; proper fascia; deep lamina of the proper fascia; endocervical fascia; prevertebral fascia.
Muscles and Fasciae of the Neck
Interfascial Spaces: Spatium interaponeuroticum suprasternale; Spatium m. sternocleidomastoideus; Saccus ceccus retrosternocleidomastoideus; Saccus gl. submandibulare; Spatium vasoneurorum; Spatium previscerale; Spatium retroviscerale; Spatium prevertebrale; Spatium anterscalenum; Spatium interscalenum; Spatium scalenovertebrale.
Neck Fasciae. Sternocleidomastoid Region
Superficial Muscles of the Neck
Neurovascular Bundles and Deep Muscles
Neck Veins
Nerves and Organs
Thyroid Gland
Organs of the Neck
Vertebral Surfase of the Pharynx. Neurovascular Bundles.
Lateral Neurovascular Bundle
Lateral Triangle of the Neck
Scalenovertebral Triangle
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