Our Knowledge Management System Performance Competence Requirements Choose what you need. Imagine Our Knowledge Management System for YOUR Job’s Performance Competence Requirements L&D By Job Code Imagine Capturing and Sharing Created and Curated Content by Job Code – and Enabling a personalized approach to Individual Development Planning www.eppic.biz
We build or buy some content for everyone, and other content just for your job. Highly Shared L&D Somewhat Shared Highly Shared Somewhat Shared Not Shared Sharing Content Will Reduce the Life Cycle Costs for Providing Performance Competence Developing Content www.eppic.biz
L&D We have all the Performance Support including the L&D Content you need, organized by the Areas of Performance and Processes of your Department. www.eppic.biz
Some of the Curated Content is appropriately shared with other Departments and Jobs but some is quite unique. Highly Shared L&D Somewhat Shared Highly Shared Somewhat Shared Sharing Content Will Reduce the Life Cycle Costs for Providing Performance Competence Development Content. www.eppic.biz
Once you see your entire organization as bundles of Processes you can more easily see what’s shared and what’s unique. L&D
L&D It’s not all about Learning. It’s all about Performance Competence. Even in a Learning Organization.
It requires an Analysis of the Performance Requirements L&D www.eppic.biz It requires an Analysis of the Performance Requirements – which are set by the Stakeholders.
We determine the Areas of Performance for each Critical Job L&D www.eppic.biz We determine the Areas of Performance for each Critical Job with Master Performers from that job along with Other SMEs.
L&D www.eppic.biz Then for each AoP - Areas of Performance - we create a Performance Model identifying the Outputs and Measures and the Tasks, Roles and Responsibilities, the Typical Gaps and their Probable Causes.
We use 17 Categories of Enabling Knowledge and Skills L&D www.eppic.biz We use 17 Categories of Enabling Knowledge and Skills to derive a Bill of Materials for our Targeted Performers’ eventual Performance Competence Development Paths, or L&D Paths.
L&D www.eppic.biz Here is an Example K/S Matrices for one Categories of Enabling Knowledge and Skills. Each Item is derived from the Performance Model and linked back to the AoP it enables and is further assessed.
We Need to Keep our Content Evergreen Then for all the Content Created or Curacted – we “park it” in a KMS Warehouse and use something like this for the Organizing Scheme for initial Placement and Life Cycle Maintenance We Use This Architecture to Help Us with ReUse and Content Pruning and Maintenance. L&D We Need to Keep our Content Evergreen or Get Rid of It.
We create Development Paths or Roadmaps with the same Master Performers who helped define the Performance and Enabling Knowledge and Skills to insure its appropriateness. L&D The Path is a Suggested Sequence and Timing – modified for each learner/Performer based on their job assignment specifics and their incoming education and experience. www.eppic.biz
We facilitate a “downselect” from everything on the Path with an Individual Planning Guide tool, as not everyone needs everything, nor do they need it in the suggested sequence. L&D www.eppic.biz
All of our methods for doing this are covered in great detail L&D www.eppic.biz All of our methods for doing this are covered in great detail in this 1999 book. It cover the PACT Processes lean methodologies for T&D/ Learning/ Knowledge Management.
This book 6 Pack from 2011 is an update to lean-ISD L&D www.eppic.biz This book 6 Pack from 2011 is an update to lean-ISD and extends the lean-ISD methodologies into a Performance Improvement methodology-set.
Focus on the Performance Requirements – and Enable Them. The PACT Processes lean methodologies for T&D/ Learning/ Knowledge Management are a subset of the Enterprise Process Performance Improvement methodology-set. L&D Focus on the Performance Requirements – and Enable Them. www.eppic.biz
The 12 Variable-Sets of Process Performance L&D Focus on the Performance Requirements – and Enable Them. www.eppic.biz One of the things you need to do during Instructional Analysis is to determine the real Root Causes for gaps from ideal performance in the Current State. It’s not always Knowledge/Skills.
L&D www.eppic.biz Once you know what the gaps are you can look upstream to the organizational entities responsible for providing the Process with what they need for the human and the non-human enablers.
should be called. Because we have earned it. First Protect and then Improve the Enterprise www.eppic.biz We could call ourselves a Performance Improvement organization. But we are waiting for our clients to decide that’s what we should be called. Because we have earned it.
Over 400 Free Resources on PACT and EPPI are available… L&D www.eppic.biz