Computer Networks Lesson 5
Starter How much do you remember from the last lesson? What is the internet? What is HTML? Why should you compress files to transfer them over the internet? Describe 3 file formats that are commonly used on the internet.
Objective of the Lesson Research and give a presentation about network security and common policies. All of you will: Do some research into the topic. Most of you will: Perform relevant research and help in the making and giving of the final presentation. Some of you will: Become a team leader and make sure your group presentation is of a high quality.
Homework Everybody should complete Task 1 to answer the questions. Some of you may also want to get the extra marks by answer the two additional questions. This homework is due in next lesson. Make sure you have written your homework clearly in your planner.
Your Task You are going to split into teams and you will need to research a topic, create a simple presentation and present it to the rest of the class by the end of the lesson. Your presentations must be no longer than 5 minutes long. The possible topics are: User access levels and selecting suitable passwords. Encryption in networks. The need for network policies such as acceptable use, disaster recovery, failover, back up, archiving.
Plenary What did you learn from other peoples’ presentations that you did not know before? What information do you think other groups should have included but didn’t?