Road Map to Success: Unification of Germany and Italy World History II Today, Germany and Italy are two very strong, centralized countries important to the global community. It’s strange to think that these countries didn’t exist until the late 1800s. In the areas we now call Germany and Italy, there were small, segmented cities and kingdoms that had some similarities, but were not unified or organized under a central government. Germany unified mostly through the efforts of the Prussian chancellor, Otto von Bismarck. He used intense nationalism, warfare and a growing industry to unify Germany. On the other hand, Italy unified through the efforts of many important men: Giussepe Mazzini, Victor Emmanuel II, Giussepe Garibaldi, and Camillo Cavour. The establishment of these nations changed the face of Europe forever. You will master the following learning standards: WHII.1 Summarize the rise of Prussia. WHII.10 Summarize the causes, course, and consequences of the unification of Italy and Germany.
What factors drive neighboring cities, states or kingdoms to unify? EQs What factors drive neighboring cities, states or kingdoms to unify? What factors may contribute to a country’s nationalism? What are the effects of extreme nationalism? Skill # Skill I CAN… Classroom Activities Depth of Understanding 4 – Advanced 3 – Proficient 2 – Needs Improvement 1 - Failing How do I get to a 4? 1 Locate Germany and Italy on a map of Europe. 2 Summarize the historical background of Prussia including its role in the unification of Germany. 3 Analyze the policies of Otto von Bismarck and trace the events leading toward German unification. 4 Explain how Germany became a major world power. 5 List the accomplishments of Emmanuel, Mazzini, Cavour and Garibaldi in their efforts to unify Italy.