COMPETENCY BASED HRM Competence is the ability of an individual to do a job properly The term "competence" first appeared in an article authored by R.W. White in 1959 as a concept for performance motivation. The term gained traction when in 1973, David McClelland, Ph.D. wrote a seminal paper entitled, "Testing for Competence Rather Than for Intelligence".
"competence" as a combination of practical and theoretical knowledge, cognitive skills, behavior and values used to improve performance; or as the state or quality of being adequately or well qualified, having the ability to perform a specific role.
Types of competencies: Organizational competencies: The mission, vision, values, culture and core competencies of the organization that sets the tone and/or context in which the work of the organization is carried out (e.g. customer-driven, risk taking and cutting edge). How we treat the patient is part of the patient's treatment
Behavioural Competencies Individual performance competencies are more specific than organizational competencies and capabilities. (observable & measurable) [Team work + leadership + communication + decision making] includes attitudes, emotional balance, interest &, pattern of conduct // natural or learned capacity for job.
Core Competencies Capabilities and/or technical expertise unique to an organization, i.e. core competencies differentiate an organization from its competition (e.g. the technologies, methodologies, strategies or processes of the organization that create competitive advantage in the marketplace). An organizational core competency is an organization’s strategic strength.
Functional competencies: Functional competencies are job-specific competencies that drive proven high-performance, quality results for a given position. They are often technical or operational in nature (e.g., "backing up a database" is a functional competency).
Management competencies: Management competencies identify the specific attributes and capabilities that illustrate an individual’s management potential. Unlike leadership characteristics, management characteristics can be learned and developed with the proper training and resources. Competencies in this category should demonstrate pertinent behaviors for effective management to be effective.
Initiative and Creativity Judgement Cooperation/Teamwork Quality of Work Reliability Commitment to Safety Support of Diversity Job Knowledge/Technical Knowledge Quantity of Work
Communication Customer Service Problem Solving Flexibility Innovation
COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK:- It is an action plan or a blue print in which various competencies are clearly defined. Competencies are defined as ‘the behaviours and skills individuals must have or acquire to perform effectively in their role’. Our framework is based on performance output and behaviour inputs that relate to the standards required for effective performance.
The framework includes abilities and personal traits, which are matched with specific job requirements, business objectives and organisational culture and values. How we carry out our duties and responsibilities, how we approach various activities and situations and how we conduct ourselves, is as important as the experience, skills and technical expertise defined in the role profile.
OBJECTIVES: For the Employee competency frame work: enable employee and line manager to identify gaps in behavioural traits. help structure and support career development, prioritising learning and development needs for current and future roles help to understand and perform the role better and gain greater job satisfaction
For the organisation competency frame work: underpin the targeted objectives in identifying the appropriate behaviours required for developing organisation competencies enable maximum performance across the organisation provide an objective, standardised process for conducting and rating performance in interviews to ensure we have the people with the right personal traits for the right role
Importance of competency frame work Recruitment Performance management Team Orientation People Management Customer Focus Result Orientation Problem Solving
Principles of a Competency Framework Involve the people doing the work Communicate Use relevant competencies
How can we develop the CF? [1] Language used should be clear to assess the level of competencies. [2] Competencies should be clearly defined. [3] There should not be overlapping of one competency with other competencies.
Developing the Framework Step One: Prepare Define the purpose Create a competency framework team Step Two: Collect Information Observe- Watch people while they're performing their roles Interview people Create a questionnaire Developing the Framework
Analyze the work Business plans, strategies, and objectives. Organizational principles. Job descriptions. Regulatory or other compliance issues. Predictions for the future of the organization or industry. Customer and supplier requirements.
Step Three: Build the Framework Group the statements Create subgroups Refine the subgroups Indentify and name the competencies Here's an example of groupings and subgroupings for general management competencies: Supervising and leading teams. Provide ongoing direction and support to staff. Take initiative to provide direction. Communicate direction to staff.
Validate and revise the competencies as necessary – For each item, ask these questions: Is this behavior demonstrated by people who perform the work most effectively? In other words, are people who don't demonstrate this behavior ineffective in the role? Is this behavior relevant and necessary for effective work performance?
Step Four: Implement Here are some tips for implementing the framework: Link to business objectives – Make connections between individual competencies and organizational goals and values as much as possible. Reward the competencies – Check that your policies and practices support and reward the competencies identified.
Provide coaching and training – Make sure there's adequate coaching and training available. People need to know that their efforts will be supported. Keep it simple – Make the framework as simple as possible. You want the document to be used, not filed away and forgotten. Communicate – Most importantly, treat the implementation as you would any other change initiative.
Competency is also used as a more general description of the requirements of human beings in organizations and communities. Competencies are also what people need to be successful in their jobs. Competencies and competency models may be applicable to all employees in an organization or they may be position specific. Identifying employee competencies can contribute to improved organizational performance.
Definitions:- Mansfield [1999]:- “an underlying characteristic of a person that results in effective/superior performance.” Rankin [2002]:- “as definitions of skills & behaviour that orgns expect their staff to practice in their work.”
Different indicators of Competency: Adaptabilities – competent person should adapt the situation. Commitment – total dedication and interest. Creativity – Brining in Innovation/ Newness Motivation - Highly motivated person. Foresight – predicting the future so that he can well be prepared. Leadership: A person is able to lead a group in an orgn.
Independent: should not depend on others. Eg: From childhood to youth. Emotional stability: Balance the emotions–should not get easily disturbed by daily hazards/functioning of life. . . Analytical reasoning - Logical thinking.
Why of / Need of / Relevance for Competency To achieve the objectives of an orgn. To sustain the product competency, survive & be stable in the market. To expand the business of the orgn. To create & innovate new klge in terms of processes+practices+products, etc in the globalised market.
To be unique & different in the market. To meet the consumers’ satisfaction. To measure & predict the performance of the employees. To maintain healthy human relationship with employees.