Ecosystems—Energy Flow in an Ecosystem—Day 13 7th Grade Science Ecosystems—Energy Flow in an Ecosystem—Day 13 Turn in HOMEWORK in the Gray Basket
Bell Work Give an example of a producer, consumer and decomposer. Agenda: Energy Flow in an Ecosystem Activity
Q1: Why do arrows point one direction in a food web? shows animals from smallest to largest shows which animals are biologically related shows how energy goes to the animal that is eating shows how energy goes to the animal that is being eaten S.C.8.3.3.a DOK 2
Q2: What is an example of stimuli and their responses? A deer eats grass in a forest. A bear catches a fish in a river. A bird flies to its nest in a tree. A rabbit gets scared and runs away. SC8.3.1.e DOK 1
Mathematics Booster Solve for z: z - 10 = 30
Greek and Latin Roots SURPRISE!! No Greek and Latin Roots Today!
Objectives I will know (knowledge): I will be able to (skill): energy transfers through organisms in an ecosystem. organisms depend on each other through the flow of energy in an ecosystem. I will be able to (skill): draw a non-linguistic representation of a food chain.
Bell Work Answer Give an example of a producer, consumer and decomposer. Answer…
A1: Why do arrows point one direction in a food web? A. shows animals from smallest to largest A food web has nothing to do with the size of animals. B. shows which animals are biologically related A food web has nothing to do with biological relationships. C. shows how energy goes to the animal that is eating The animals that are eating other animals are gaining energy from that animal. D. shows how energy goes to the animal that is being eaten The animals that are being eaten are giving their energy to the animals that are eating them. S.C.8.3.3.a DOK 2
A2: What is an example of stimuli and their responses? A. A deer eats grass in a forest. There is not a stimulus and a response to that stimulus. B. A bear catches a fish in a river. C. A bird flies to its nest in a tree. D. A rabbit gets scared and runs away. The stimulus is what scares the rabbit and the rabbit’s response is to run away. SC8.3.1.e DOK 1
Mathematics Booster Solve for z: z - 10 = 30 z = 40
Energy Flow in an Ecosystem Activity
Organisms 1 student = Sun, 1 student = eagle, 8 students = rabbit, 18 students = green plants. *This is for a class of 28 students. The numbers can be switched up. Be sure there are 2x more green plants than rabbits.)
The sun’s energy is represented by the beans. Each packet of 100 beans is enough to support one green plant each. Sun will give these packets to each green plant.
About 1% of Sun’s energy that hits the Earth is used by plants. Plants take 1 bean out of packet and give the rest to the teacher. The packets with 99 beans represents energy lost. Each rabbit needs 2 beans of energy to survive. Rabbits try to get 2 beans from plants.
Each rabbit gives one bean to the teacher to represent energy lost. Eagles need 5 beans of energy to survive. Eagles try to find 5 beans from rabbits. Eagles give up 4 beans to teacher to represent energy lost.
Discussion How many rabbits can be supported? Why is that? How many eagles can be supported? Why is that? Why are fewer organisms found as we move along the food chain?
Exit Slip Draw a picture to represent the flow of energy in our activity. Include: Sun, plants, rabbits and eagles.
I will know (knowledge): energy transfers through organisms in an ecosystem. Ecosystem Day 13
I will know (knowledge): organisms depend on each other through the flow of energy in an ecosystem. Ecosystem Day 13
I will be able to (skill): draw a non-linguistic representation of a food chain. Ecosystem Day 13