Thursday, December 14, 2017 (Quiz 8)
The Launch Pad Thursday, 12/14/17 Describe the habit (growth pattern) of gold. Gold has a dendritic habit, which means “like branches.” Gold does not look like this!
Please turn in your Review for Quiz 8! Announcements Please turn in your Review for Quiz 8!
Announcements Special Announcement! How things go today at the lab tables will determine if we will be able to do our work there in the future.
New Engrade Assignment Policy Implementation! Announcements New Engrade Assignment Policy Implementation! From this point forward, any Engrade quizzes or eResearch papers are subject to the following policies: Any student that is present in class the day of an Engrade assessment but never opens the assignment will receive a “0” as a first attempt. A second attempt can be made, but with a maximum score of “70.” Any student that opens the Engrade assignment but completes less than half of the questions will receive a “0” as a first attempt. A second attempt can be made, but with a maximum score of “70.” If more than half of the questions are submitted, the student will be allowed to complete the assignment without penalty.
F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 Assignment F5 & F6 11/29 Overdue 12/8 12/5 12/6 12/7 Summative or Formative # Date Issued Gone Missing Day Last Day Accepted Lab – The Geologic Time Scale F5 & F6 11/29 Overdue eResearch Paper - The Geologic Time Scale F7 12/8 TODAY Worksheet - The Geologic Time Scale F8 12/5 Worksheet – Mineral Properties F9 12/6 Worksheet – Minerals – The Learning Zone F10 12/7 eResearch Paper - Minerals F11 12/13 The day we come back from break
The Geologic Time Scale Minerals Quiz 8 The Geologic Time Scale Minerals