Project Status – April 1 to 12, 2019 Slide 13 CoA revised 4/22/2019 Overall Project Status Summary Category Status Comments Overall Y Program is on track, per timeline, scope and budget DG2 Training content development and UAT framework making good progress Security Mapping activities impacting UAT Schedule Monitoring scope and timing of Budgeting Tool, Continuing Education, Online Admissions Application, Physical Assets and OBIA implementations Scope Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) needs to be updated to validate original RFP requirements have been implemented, tested, and end users trained on the processes and functionality Budget G Currently tracking under budget New Technology Plan approved as well as Stage Gate #3 for OFM/OCIO Technology Pool funding Executive Summary The project is tracking per schedule and under budget. Review and definition of scope for each deployment continues due to the rework of key solutions. Each Deployment Group (DG) is now engaged in the project at some level. DG2 is in the Construct Phase and the ctcLink project team is performing DG2 System Integration Testing (SIT) and conversions. Conversations are underway to set go-live dates. DG3 is in the Structure Phase, focused on Business Process Fit/Gap sessions (BPFG) through May. DG4 is in the Initiation Phase, with most colleges nearing the halfway mark on deliverables. DG5 colleges have begun Initiation Phase and are learning the public status reporting process. DG5’s first report is included in this status update. DG6 will soon begin initiation phase and reporting process. The spring 2019 Project Managers Summit will be held at Wenatchee Valley College, with May 6-7 focused on overall Implementation Phase activities for all colleges and May 8 focused on the Initiation Phase for DG5 and DG6. Contract negotiations are underway for a new Continuing Education solution. The Online Admissions Application (OAA) work group is actively pursuing an OAA replacement. The Budget Planning Tool work group is reviewing and finalizing business and technical requirements. Overall Status Summary per Deployment Group DG# Status Comments DG2 Y Significant progress with Training content and UAT Framework Security Mapping activities impacting UAT DG3 G College resources have been engaged in BPFG Workshops Conversion cycles have begun DG4 College teams working on Initiation Phase activities DG5 Started tracking college Initiation and included in status reports Christy Overall Timeline (All Deployments)
Top Risks Reported – as of April 12, 2019 LEGEND: Critical High Moderate Low C H L M Risk Level Risk Description Mitigating Actions Submitted by (name, org/college), Deployment Group & Date Risk Owner (s) H Chart of Accounts (CoA) – User adoption and successful deployment (scheduled for July 1, 2019) is critical for Deployment Group (DG) 2 timeline. Update: Spokane has met all deadlines and is meeting with Emmett weekly. Emmett is reaching out to TCC to set up same engagement. *Refer to CoA milestones tracking in this report. Emmett Folk, ctcLink PM for FIN & HCM Team DG2 Impacted, Risk Date: 10/12/2018 *also Risk submitted by Matt Connelly, Spokane District PM on 10/23/18 Emmett Folk Clark: Student Finance (SF) not tested – As of mid-March, we have completed data validation for Cycle #3 but have not validated any SF data to ensure that it is working correctly. Update: Cycle #3 data validation occurred and Cycle #4 data validation in progress. Susan Maxwell, Clark PM DG2 Impacted, Risk Date: 3/15/2019 John Henry Whatley, Chandan Goel C Clark: Impact to college Continuing Education (CE) program – seems likely that Clark will start with OSECE and possibly move to CampusCE. Decisions are dependent on cost for CampusCE, support for OSECE and impact to students. Clark requests support for OSECE as an alternate for colleges who don’t have the budget to pay for CampusCE and make necessary changes to make it work. Update: Campus CE negotiations are in progress and ctcLink project conversations regarding college options. John Henry Whatley, Dennis Colgan Top Issues Reported – as of April 12, 2019 LEGEND: High Moderate Low H L M Issue Level Issue Description Status Update Submitted by (name, org/college), Deployment Group & Date Issue Owner (s) H Security Mapping activities may impact the start of UAT The team is highly concerned about security roles and permissions in place and ready in the testing environment (SIT instance) for the first round of UAT that begins on 4/29/19. HCM Team, ctcLink PMO DG2 Impacted, Issue Date 4/16/2019 Tara Keen, Security Team Clark – discussion of date change for Go-Live and impact on DG2 Colleges. This has caused skepticism and uncertainty by SMEs and staff. DG2 Colleges and ctcLink PMO are continuing to discuss potential dates and impacts to reduce college Go-Live down time. Susan Maxwell, Clark PM DG2 Impacted, Issue Date: 4/12/2019 Tara Keen & Serena Hansen 2
Y ctcLink Quality Assurance Scorecard Overall Status Moran Technology Consulting Report: March 2019 Overall Status Y ctcLink Quality Assurance Scorecard - Moran Technology Consulting , November 2018 STATUS PROJECT AREA DESCRIPTION / NOTES G SBCTC/Governance Governance framework continues to work as expected. Meetings are held according to schedule, with materials distributed beforehand, and decisions made at the appropriate level. Project Management Project Management Office (PMO) is fully staffed, working well together and continuing to address improvements in project management processes. Y Phase Scope QA concerned about implementation schedules for replacement solutions. Impacts to scope and schedule for DG2 and DG3 will be more defined once solutions are selected. Schedule Status DG2/DG3/DG4 schedules and resource constraints now directly impact all deployment groups. Schedule compression and key project resources are heavily allocated to tasks. Training The decisions and actions taken by PMO have enabled recovery of this key work stream. The external contractor supporting delivery of training materials has made good progress with the Finance and HCM pillars. PMO has decided to coincide just-in-time targeted training with UAT Sprints which achieves a number of positive benefits. Testing This work stream is yellow, but is now trending green due to changes made by the PMO. The PMO has added another PS experienced key resource for this work stream. DG2 Testing workstream relies heavily on availability and expertise of functional project staff. Configurations / Data Conversion Technical work for DG2 System Configurations and Data Conversion Cycle 4 is underway with good results reported. Organizational Change Management (OCM) PMO/OCM is actively engaged with all colleges now involved with their Deployment Groups. QA concerned that PMO focus remains on the DG2 schedule. Project Staffing Project staffing is adequate at this time and continues to make staffing adjustments as appropriate. QA and the PMO remain concerned that the overlap of DG2/DG3/DG4 may require additional project and contractor resources. Project leadership and staff morale is positive given schedule pressures. Technical Environment Future PS updates/bundles and 3rd party software installation and support work is being managed by the IT Division outside of the project responsibility. Overall planning of these changes needs to be tightly integrated with the ctcLink DG2/DG3/DG4 schedules. This becomes more challenging with the overlap in implementation schedules. LEGEND GREEN YELLOW RED Risk Description: Low risks may be encountered. NO immediate action needed Moderate risks may be encountered. Serious deficiency and action item recommended. High risks may be encountered. Needs to be escalated and can impact project effort or cost.
WA State Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Oversight WA State Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Oversight as of April 2019 Overall Status Y WA State Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Oversight WA State Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Oversight OCIO Conditions to new ctcLink Investment Plan Approval Status G 1 Project must remain in line with SBCTC and OCIO policies Ongoing 2 QA (Moran) to report to ctcLink executive sponsor and State CIO Complete 3 Follow pre-determined OFM funding gates and approvals 4 Monthly status reporting 5 Continue reporting on Remediation items in Integrated Work Plan Y 6 OCIO approval of the 4 remediation solutions: Budgeting tool, Continuing Education Application, Online Admissions Application In Progress 7 OCIO must be notified prior to use of contingency funds N/A 8 Perform a post-implementation review (lessons learned) after each deployment and post on the OCIO dashboard within 30 days of go-live Planned as Activities in Project Work Plans 9 Process and timeline for filling the SBCTC CIO position by 1/31/2018 ctcLink Technology Pool Status and Gate # Status G -- Pre-IT Pool Implementation, Stability & Remediation Approved 1 Planning & Remediation 2 DG2 – Initiation & Structure Phase 3 DG2 – Construct Phase DG3 – Initiation & Structure Phase 4 DG2 – Transition & Deploy Phase DG3 – Construct Phase DG4 – Initiation & Structure Phase Deliverables in Progress 7/1/2019 5 DG3 – Transition & Deploy Phase DG4 – Construct Phase DG5 – Initiation & Structure Phase Future 1/1/2020 6 DG4 – Transition & Deploy Phase DG5 – Construct Phase DG6 – Initiation & Structure Phase 7/1/2020 7 DG5 – Transition & Deploy Phase DG6 – Construct Phase 1/1/2021 8 DG6 – Transition & Deploy Phase 7/1/2021 9 Contingency Deployment N/A 1/1/2022 Note: New ctcLink Investment Plan approved by OCIO, with above conditions, on Jan. 19, 2018.
Budget Status – as of March 31, 2019
Pillar Status – April 1 to 12, 2019 Human Capital Management Campus Solutions G Accomplished this period Clark Cycle 3 SF Data Validation 4/1 – 4/10 DG2 Cycle 4 Data Validation Handoff DG3 Cycle 1 Data Validation Handoff Complete OAA Quick Win development and testing, transition to QA Team (Ticket #68812). Migrated to Production 4/11 Prep DG3 BPFG Sessions for Core, SF and FA Continue DG3 FIT Continue DG2 SIT Fluid Walkthrough with ERP Support DG3 BPFG Assignment Follow Ups (WebEx) Continue work on SAP Modification Troubleshooting SF Third-Party Billing/Invoice due to Oracle Bug 14468409, then transition to QA Team (Ticket #21505) SF Student Statement in UAT, Transition to QA Team (Ticket #64023). Continue UAT material planning/build Review DG3 assignment submissions for configuration Planned for next period Hold CS Core, SF and FA DG3 BPFG Sessions DG3 Degree Honors and Continuing Ed Legacy Mass Update Human Capital Management Y Accomplished this period Published DG2 Conversion Cycle 4 validation material and hold Cycle 4 data validation sessions Held DG3 BPFG Sessions for Payroll Configuration Held DG3 BPFG Session for Time & Labor Configuration Held DG3 BPFG Session for Absence Management Configuration Continued DG2 SIT Test Execution Continued DG3 BPFG material build Continued DG2 UAT diagram/scenario updates and content build Continued review of DG2 Training content structure and materials Continued DG2 configuration build-out in FNC environment Began DG3 configuration build-out in FNC environment Planned for next period Support DG2 Conversion Cycle 4 validation Hold DG3 BPFG Session for Benefits Configuration Hold DG3 BPFG Session for TAM Configuration Continue DG2 SIT Test Execution Continue DG3 BPFG Material Build Planned, but not completed Complete DG2 UAT diagram/scenario updates (Sprint 1 updates completed) *If status is yellow or red, describe why. DG2 UAT and pre-UAT training supporting materials are being provided on a just in time basis; behind in overall DG2 SIT execution Financial Services Y Accomplished this period Published DG2 Conversion Cycle 4 validation material and hold Cycle 4 data validation sessions Held four sets of DG3 BPFG Configuration Workshop Sessions: Finance Locations, Charge Codes & SpeedTypes, Purchasing, and Accounts Payable Continued DG2 SIT Test Execution Continued DG3 BPFG material build Continued DG2 UAT diagram/scenario updates and content build Continued review of DG2 Training content structure and materials Continued DG2 configuration build-out in FNC environment Planned for next period Support DG2 Conversion Cycle 4 validation Hold DG3 BPFG Session for Billing & AR Configuration Hold DG3 BPFG Session for Asset Management Configuration Hold DG3 BPFG Session for Treasury Configuration Continue DG2 SIT Test Execution Continue DG3 BPFG material build Continue DG2 UAT supporting content build *If status is yellow or red, describe why. DG2 UAT and pre-UAT training supporting materials are being provided on a just in time basis; behind in DG2 SIT execution. Pillar Status – as of 6/8/2018
Workstream Status – April 1 to April 12, 2019 Communications G Accomplished this period Revised collaboration spreadsheet for OCM Subgroup to assist with Communications topics and messages by phase Updated ctcLink status, dashboard and documents on OCIO IT Project Dashboard PM Summit preparation Prepped for and participated in “What is ctcLink?” presentation ctcLink Scope Diagram redesign DG4 Initiation Guide revise/format DG5 Dashboard template for status reports Admissions & Registration Council (ARC) presentation deck for Campus Solutions Planned for next period PM Summit prep work PM Summit Communications Session planning cELC meeting agenda and presentation deck Technical G CONVERSION Accomplished this period DG2:Technical team validated conversion results, reported errors and applied necessary security in preparation for college validation activities. Planned for next period DG2: Conversion Issues resolution, in progress DEVELOPMENT Support and work on SIT tickets in CS, HCM and FS pillars. Completed R-258 Transcript modification. Unit test R-258 Transcript modification and publish for SIT testing Continue to support SIT tickets for CS, HCM and FS pillars. Planned, but not completed Retrofit work for Nelnet is on hold; awaiting new package from Nelnet. ENVIRONMENTS PeopleTools patch 8.56.12 completed for all project environments STAT (IT change management product) project CVL environment refresh Amazon Web Services (AWS) workspace tools client planned for April 15 Work on ctcLink logo for Project environments Initiate PeopleSoft Update Manager (PUM) image schedule review Testing Y Accomplished this period Continued System Integration Testing Provided daily metrics on SIT status Held a.m. and p.m. SIT stand-ups to review status, open issues and address any roadblocks Planned for next period Continue completing data requests to support PETA (PeopleSoft Enterprise Test Automation) implementation Continue to build UAT materials Continue system integration testing Planned, but not completed Update test plan Develop “How to UAT” training Develop UAT OTM users guide *If status is yellow or red, describe why. Overlapping project tasks using the same resources may impact testing. Organizational Change Management G Accomplished this period Continued work facilitating BPFG sessions, logistics, registration sheets, WebEx sessions, etc. Sent out GDA survey and currently working on compiling the results Continued discussions with DG5 colleges around Initiation phase deliverables Continued PM Summit planning – will be held May 6-7 with a third day for DG5 and DG6 (DG4 is optional for this additional day) Planned for next period Continue to work with CPW facilitators and functional teams to determine scope for upcoming sessions Continue planning for Guided Pathways Requirements Gathering Workshops Continue planning for the next PM Summit Training Y Accomplished this period Completed UAT Canvas Build for Sprint 1 FIN Instructor-Led Trainings (ILT) for UAT and PowerPoints for Canvas course currently 95% complete HCM ILTs for UAT and PowerPoints for Canvas course currently 95% complete Defined and published UAT training schedule Planned for next period Continue to work on Pre-UAT training materials Continue work with Angela to provide SharePoint training *If status is yellow or red, describe why. Large amount of materials needed with upcoming deadlines.
Deployment Group 2 Timeline (High Level Phases)
Deployment Group 2 Self-Reported Status – April 1 to 12, 2019 Clark College R Accomplished this period Continued to work on course catalog cleanup. Completed 7.5 hours of webex to review data validation materials for cycle 4. Prepared all materials for cycle 4 data validation. Financial Aid has planned out deadlines and system shut down for the Oct 28 Go Live. Planned for next period Continue to assign people and timelines to Change action work plan. Create an email user group for current legacy users. Planned, but not completed *If status is yellow or red, describe why. College is trending red due to discussion of date change for Go-Live. This has caused skepticism and uncertainty by SMEs and staff. UAT training plan also impacts college flexibility and schedule. Y SBCTC Agency Y Accomplished this period HR (non Payroll) business processes reviewed for change impacts 4/10 “Awareness” Overview for the agency conducted 4/3 Working with Bill Welch and Johnathan Rider on security mapping. The plan is to use elevated permissions for the first UAT Sprint. 4/11 Risk Management team formed completing initial meeting 4/1 Planned for next period Completion of Data Validation cycle #4 4/26 for HCM, 4/24 for FIN Follow-up ADKAR overview 4/22 *If status is yellow or red, describe why. The Awareness overview has revealed a number of areas of opportunities to close gaps. Community Colleges of Spokane R Accomplished this period Chart of Accounts Redesign CCS Budget/Finance reviewing/validating mapping spreadsheets. 4/5 thru 4/19. In progress. FY Close – CCS continues to adjust journal entries. Uploaded schedule/Q&A/Check list to Box folder UATs for Student Billing, POI security issues, and SSN new query security tree. Planned for next period Security Role Redesign Security Issues *If status is yellow or red, describe why. Remediation Conditions: Absence management passed UAT, but CCS validating some questionable calculations. Student Billing UAT complete, CCS had a couple issues. Third-Party Billing and DRS pending UATs. Waiting on Security Redesign documents and help guides, due 4/26. 39 open remediation tickets. FY16, 17 & 18 unable to close until cash reconciliation is completed. CoA Activities – reviewing local mapping files. Urgent Security Issues – sensitive financial and employee query data available across all FLCs. Security Role Redesign: waiting on documents to assist with role mapping, and cutover/implementation process. Concerns with newly communicated plan to test new security roles. Tacoma Community College G Accomplished this period Local SMEs attended ctcLink Security redesign group, ctcLink PM groups, ctcLink governance groups, various ctcLink status meetings Participated in ctcLink Security redesign activities Participated Chart of Accounts meetings. Provided UAT testers to SBCTC. Attempted to reserve a dedicated ctcLink room for DG2 at Tacoma. Participated Cycle 1 Data validation meeting. Planned for next period Participate in Conversion Cycle Data Validation as needed Local SMEs attend ctcLink Security redesign group, ctcLink PM groups, ctcLink governance groups, various ctcLink status meetings Local SME participate in CE negotiations Local SME attend Chart of Accounts meetings
Deployment Group 3 Self-Reported Status – April 1 to 12, 2019 Cascadia College G Accomplished this period Attended all BPFG sessions to date Completed all but 2 BPFG homework assignments due this period Initiated CS and HCM data validation Planned for next period Continue data validation & OTM issue input for Cycle #1 Initiate DG3 Cycle #2 data error extract cleanup Continue BPFG attendance and homework completion Planned, but not completed Late completing 2 Finance BPFG homework assignments, Finance working with SBCTC CS Pillar PM to complete prior to 4/16/19 Lower Columbia College G Accomplished this period Work with Alignment Team to complete current BPFG sessions and homework Complete onboarding critical staff through PS fundamentals Work with staff to assemble training requirements and logistics for project team Onboarded LCC query developer team and started designing tracking mechanisms for query management Started work in Cycle 1 conversion validation work. Planned for next period Continue SME participation in all GDA and BPFG sessions as needed. This includes completion of CIA work as an outcome of BPFG. Continue on campus messaging and communication about ctcLink Continue to develop forecasting tools to track staff workload and project hours. Complete Cycle 1 conversation validation and start prep for Cycle 2. Peninsula College G Accomplished this period Continued to participate in BPFG sessions. Submitted BPFG homework assignments per BPFG session requirements. Organizing Data Validation efforts to meet April 24 deadline Planned for next period SMEs continue to participate in BPFG Sessions. Continue to coordinate and submit BPFG homework assignments Continue conversation regarding Go Live date. Complete Bio/Demo data validation for both CS and HCM. Pierce College District G Accomplished this period FIN & HCM SMEs participated in BPFG sessions. SMEs participated in Data Validation WebEx sessions. SMEs participated in CPW kick-off Completed all homework to date. Planned for next period SMEs complete data validation. SMEs attend/participate in BPFG sessions in person and via WebEx. SMEs complete homework assignments Planned, but not completed Complete additional Change Impact Analyses (CIAs). Review applicants for project positions. Onboarding of newly hired project employees. Review and update internal Training Plan with college Training Team. Olympic College G Accomplished this period Attended BPFGs Submitted BPFG Homework Continued Data Cleansing Started Data Validation Cycle Planned for next period Homework Data Cleansing Attend BPFGs Hire third Analyst Data Validation Planned, but not completed Additional CIA Workshops
Deployment Group 4 Dashboard Reports – April 1 to 12, 2019 DG4 Initiation Phase Completion Summary Percentage of deliverables completed and tracked in Project Web App (PWA) by each college: College Orientation & Resourcing College Project Planning (from templates) Conduct Initial Data Cleansing Document Current Legacy Business Processes Supplemental Systems Analysis College/District As of April 12, 2019 Centralia College 38% Edmonds Community College 60% Highline College 52% Seattle Colleges (3) 47% Wenatchee Valley College 45% DG4 Pre-Implementation and General Timeline G
Deployment Group 5 Dashboard Reports – April 1 to 12, 2019 DG5 Initiation Phase Completion Summary Percentage of deliverables completed and tracked in Project Web App (PWA) by each college: College Orientation & Resourcing College Project Planning (from templates) Conduct Initial Data Cleansing Document Current Legacy Business Processes Supplemental Systems Analysis College/District As of April 12, 2019 Bellevue College No Data Reported Bellingham Technical College 14% Big Bend Community College 11% Everett Community College 6% Grays Harbor College 19% Green River College Skagit Valley College 9% Whatcom Community College 17% DG5 Pre-Implementation and General Timeline G
ctcLink Remediation Status Reports – April 1 to 12, 2019 Solution Status Due Date Campus Solutions 10 of 45 remain open DG3 Financial Management 5 of 39 remain open DG2 Human Capital Management 6 of 25 remain open Faculty Workload Complete March 2019 DRS Redistribution Preparing for UAT April 2019 Absence Management Security Audit Controls Security Redesign Mapping Framework FLC / DG2 Student Billing/Third-Party Billing April 2019 Budget Planning Form Work Group Jan 2020 Online Admissions App Governance Continuing Education Vendor Negotiations Chart of Accounts (revised) Due/Finish Status TCC Chart of Accounts Adoption Kickoff Dec. 12, 2018 Complete CCs Chart of Accounts Adoption Kickoff Feb. 1, 2019 Foundational Chartfield Configuration March 22, 2019 College Configuration Review and Updates May 3, 2019 In Progress Functional and System Integration Testing May 10, 2019 User Acceptance Testing May 10 - June 3, 2019 Not Started Readiness Gate / Go-No Go Decision June 10, 2019 Production Cutover July 2019 Community Colleges of Spokane R Remediation Items progress this period Student Billing – UAT held Wed 4/11. CCS found two issues. Security Audit Controls – In progress. Bank Statement se Accurate Reporting for DRS & PEBB - Ready now for System Integration Testing. New SBCTC ticket created to address DRS redistribution Third-Party billing – Failing System Integration Testing. UAT TBD. FY Close – see previous slides. Book-to-Bank - Cash Reconciliation - Focus now is on reconciling the three cash accounts making up our $18-million variance (same accounts for TCC). SBCTC Project team working on providing reports/workflow of behind the scenes ctcLink processing of the transactions going into these accounts. Can’t close FY 16,17,18 without reconciling cash accounts. *If status is yellow or red, describe why. Absence management passed UAT, but CCS validating some calculations. Student Billing UAT complete, CCS had a couple issues. Third-Party Billing & DRS pending UATs. Unable to close FY16, 17 & 18 until cash reconciliation is completed. 39 open remediation tickets. Tacoma Community College G Remediation Items progress this period See SBCTC status update for Remediation items, tickets, and worklist. Planned for next period Receive detail for open and closed remediation tickets from Christy and team. First requested March 27; follow-up email April 12. TCC SMEs participate in Budget Planning Tool workgroup.
Other ctcLink Project Activities – Status as of April 12, 2019 New Solution Status RFP Publish Solution Decision Continuing Education RFP was developed and approved by Governance RFP proposals due November 15, 2018 3 Vendors responded and subgroup is evaluating solution Governance approved procurement and decision of Vendor Vendor has been contacted to begin Negotiations to Contract 10/15/2018 Negotiations subgroup assisting with final negotiations Online Admissions Application Sub-Committee finalized OAA requirements Project Team performed Fit/Gap of ctcLink functionality OAA workgroup evaluated select solutions currently in use at other PeopleSoft universities and colleges OAA workgroup developing a short list of best/possible solutions to identify those solutions on 2/12/2019 Work Group to Review feedback from College discussions to provide recommendation to Governance. TBD January 2019 February 2019 April 2019 Budget Planning Committee to be formed to review, finalize and approve Budgeting requirements Review requirements against Oracle PBCS Solution If needed, develop RFP April 2019 Physical Inventory (Asset Tracking) Vendor Solutions being evaluated Evaluate new PS Functionality that will provide integration for asset tracking scanners directly with ctcLink 5/21/2018 DG3 (February 2020) Accessibility Continued discussions with Appsian (formerly Grey Heller) Identify accessibility vendor to assist with testing of ctcLink RFP is required Develop RFP DG2 (October 2019)