“The Nelson Course” A brief overview of fisheries officer training in Nelson, New Zealand 1979-2017
The longest running course in the Pacific region? This training course started in 1979 at the request of the South Pacific Commission The course has continually evolved to better meet the needs of Pacific nations It has always enjoyed a strong relationship with, and support from, staff at SPC, esp. FAME and Information Unit There has been funding support from many sources over this time – the governments of New Zealand and France, the Commonwealth Foundation and Commonwealth Secretariat, the FAO/UNDP Regional Fisheries Development Program and SPC itself – thank you!
Fisheries Ministers’ NMIT Visit 2016 https://youtu.be/7SNwlcjF1DE
Where to from here? Thank you Continue engagement with SPC and FFA Travel to the workplace Stay up to date with developments Foster relationships with the region Consider the needs of the fisheries officer of the future Thank you