Labour market statistics- State of play


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Presentation transcript:

Labour market statistics- State of play Lourdes Prado Eurostat Unit E4 Regional statistics and geographical information Oct-2011

STRUCTURE OF THE TALK Background Sources Dissemination Conclusions and future steps Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

1. Background Present clear picture of regional labour market data dealt with in Unit E4 Growing in interest in regional data  Changes in data compilation need to be carried out NUTS 2 data - Compiled in Unit F2 (Labour Market) - EU-LFS accurate information national and NUTS 2 level - Microdata provided by all participating countries - Production & dissemination of complete set of indicators NUTS 3 data  Needed - No legal basis for transmission in LFS - Countries transmitting on a voluntary basis Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

2. Sources Source for NUTS 2 EU-LFS MS transmit data to Unit F2 F2 provides data to Unit E4 Data for year T validated, uploaded and released in T+1 Complex situation for NUTS 3 Changes needed NUTS 3 in the past not transmitted under LFS Request made to MS by unit E4. No microdata transmission, but tabulated aggregates. Recent years MS started to send NUTS 3 codes in the LFS microdata to unit F2 (TASK framework). Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

2. Sources Currently 2 sources for NUTS 3 data - Tabulated aggregates sent by RESCOs to Unit E4 - NUTS 3 codes in LFS microdata sent to Unit F2 Both on a voluntary basis Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

2. Sources Tabulated aggregates (for NUTS 3) sent to Unit E4 - One single request from this year onwards - Last data: 2010 (emp, unemp, act pop, work age pop) - MS reporting: 19 (BG, CZ, DE, EE, IE, ES, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, NL, AT, PL, RO, SI, SK, SE and UK). Waiting for data from DK. - No answer: BE, MT, PT - Gr and FI not sending data to E4. E4 uses data from F2. - Not applicable: CY and LU - No data requested to EFTA and Candidate countries - LFS source used by most of the countries - Some MS use other sources (registers, small area estimation, etc.) or a combination of LFS and other sources (DK, DE, FR, NL, AT). Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

2. Sources NUTS 3 codes in the LFS microdata sent to unit F2: - TASK framework. NUTS 3 data not for publication, but aggregated. - Last data: 2001 Q2 - Coverage considerably improved - 20 MS (BE, BG, CZ, DK, EE, IE, GR, ES, FR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, AT, SK, FI, SE and UK) plus Norway transmitting data - 5 MS not providing NUTS 3 codes in LFS microdata: DE, PL, PT, RO and SI. - Not applicable for CY and LU Picture considering both sources: - Data available for 24 MS from one source or another - No data available for PT - 15 MS transmitting data to both units - From this, 4 MS using other sources apart from LFSpossible differences in data Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

3. Sources 2 issues raised: - MS are being contacted twice concerning the same data. Is this necessary? - Inconsistencies in the two datasets for some countries. Which source to be used if this is the case? Possible approachCoutries providing just LFS based data could stop the tranmission to unit E4 if they enable this unit to use the NUTS 3 microdata sent to unit F2 in LFS transmissions. Those countries using other sources appart from LFS would continue reporting to E4. Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

2. Sources Participants are asked to: - Confirm the state of play of NUTS 3 labour market data transmissions - Give their view on the issues raised concerning sources - Enable Eurostat unit E4 to use the NUTS 3 microdata sent in the LFS transmission to unit F2 Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

3. Dissemination NUTS 2 Complete series of tables and indicators available in both the regional and the LFS domains. Data for year T published before summer break in T+1 followed by SIF and Press Release NUTS 3 Reflection needed on 2 issues - Establishment of publication level NUTS 3 used for measuring labour market disparities (dispersion, upr) NUTS 3 at aggregated level (Metropolitan regions, urban-rural) User demand for unemployment rates at NUTS 3 level - Establishment of validation/reliability rules in line with those in the EU-LFS Publishing Guidelines. Reliability restrictions, set the limits below which data should be flagged or not published. Feedback from MS needed for both issues Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

4. Conclusions NUTS 3 data growing in importancecrucial for cohesion analysis and policy making Powerful reasons to reflect on the status of the NUTS 3 labour market data collection: - 2 sources - quality and validation questioned - some MS not sure about the reliability of the data Changes neededsound and reliable NUTS 3 dataset aimed at Eurostat is working on the possibility of launching a project Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

4. Conclusions Participants are asked to give their feedback on the following issues regarding the NUTS 3 level: - Source to be used - Agree on the use of LFS NUTS 3 microdata by unit E4 - Data to be released - Validation/reliability rules Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION Oct-2011 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development